Chapter 11

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During his time at the hospital, Daffy's spiritual form had been searching for so many hours at a time trying to find his body.

He was like a lost fish in the middle of the darkened abyss.

Searching for something so simple had never been this hard.

It wasn't until 30 minutes or so later that he finally wound up at the ICU.

From there, he was able to locate his room and enters into the area.

"He he. Wow. I don't look too shabby. I thought it would be much worse than this." Daffy said to himself, referring to his body on the stable bed that was wound up with only a couple of tubes in the throat and nose just as Bugs had saw him last.

He then looked at the brain wave monitor that was hooked up beside him and notices that the lines were striking up and down at a low setting.

He may not know much about science, but he does see in the movies that as long as the line doesn't go flat, its a pretty good sign that he's still somewhat alive.

He sat on the empty chair and examined himself.

"Now, if I were to go back to the day of my accident, where would I start?" Daffy asked to himself, wondering as he walked over and layed his form down on top of the body to see if anything happens.

Unfortunately, it just sinks him in like an empty hole with no effect.

"Hmm." Daffy said to himself as he continued pondering about for a little while longer until all of a sudden, he hears something from behind and turns to see Bugs entering the room.

"Sorry I'm late Doc, I had to wait a whole day until they could let me see you again." Bugs said in a heavy pant and tries to sit down on the chair where Daffy was already sitting at.

Daffy then, immediately jumped away from the chair, just in time for Bugs to sit flat into the seat.

"Ah! Hey, watch it Bugsy! You almost squished me." Daffy groaned while patting his form everywhere for any sign of dirt, forgetting that he was still just a spirit. 

"I know you must have been waiting for me and I'm sorry if I missed out on all of the visiting hours earlier. But, luckily one of the nurses was very kind enough let me in anyways even though its already past midnight." Bugs said with a warm smile.

Midnight?! Have I been staying here for that long? Daffy thought surprised and looked over at Bugs.

"T...that's okay Bugs. I'm here. You can still talk to me." Daffy insisted loudly and went to touch his hand until he suddenly refrained from it at the last second.

Well that is, If only I'm able to respond to him. Daffy thought sadly as Bugs slowly leaned over and touched his hand.

Instantly, Daffy begin to gasp loudly while examining his hands.

"His hand! I can feel it. Just like last time!" Daffy exclaimed in shock.

The hot glowing aura from his hands were burning even more bright than ever before.

Then suddenly, within a matter of minutes, memories all start to pile up in his head again.

From the time that they met at the post office.

To the many times that they would fight and made up.

Along with so much more.

Listening to its calming waves among the endless sea of reminiscence.

Almost as if it was like heaven itself.

He started to close his eyes and feel the light embrace of the scenery taking him back to some of the good times where everything felt perfect and it was just the two of them.


One memory he can recall, was the morning of right before the accident when he and Bugs were at the Pizzaribba that day.

They were enjoying their everyday little conversations full of random gags and laughs while chomping on several boxes of pizza.

The same type of pizza that he now remembers seeing back home filling up to the brim in the refrigerator, uneaten.

Which would have explained one of the reasons why Bugs chose to order a lot of them all the time without hardly eating a single slice.

Usually, whenever the two would visit the place, they would say a joke here and there while simply eating their food like typical friends would do.

But for some reason in Daffy's mind, the memory was showing him a much deeper meaning as he watches his past self looking on at Bugs in a lovesick-like smile.

Bugs was telling him a story about how his car keys got lost and that he couldn't find him until finally he found them in the garbage can, calling himself a birdbrain which made Daffy instantly laugh at his silliness and was very happy during that time.

The two then begin to equally express dream-like feelings and flirts towards each other while continuing to have a good time at the restaurant.

He didn't understand at first what was going on with all of the noise and blurry voices blocking his mind from knowing what the two were saying to each other until he had small knot feeling in his stomach and gaped his face in awe.

He now realizes that he had actually been in love with him for a long time.

Much longer, than he had ever known.

How come he hadn't been able to see it sooner?   He wondered as he lets the memory play on until all of a sudden, his vision starts to darken and that fuzzy, warm feeling was now turning a little cold, indicating that he was about to step upon the one memory he had been so desperate to find.

His accident.

He was scared at first and was fixin to retreat out of his trance-like state until a persistent thought told him otherwise.

After all, he had already come so far and it was only a matter of time before the coma can overshadow his body.

So, now he had to finish what he had started.

By facing his greatest fears.

He then took in a few deep breath to calm his nerves down before he allowed the memory to keep going and watched on as it begins to unfold in front of him slowly.

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