Chapter 4

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Of course finding was going to be a little more harder for him than usual this time since, she is out her room in the middle of the day, so he allowed his form to teleport from place to place. 

First it was the Pizzaribba, which was full of people, except she wasn't there which meant that she had just finished talking Speedy.

So, he tried the mall since she loved to shop, but couldn't find her there either. 

He looked in almost every other places in town until finally, he randomly went to the country club in town and sees her playing tennis by herself. 

She was on one side of the tennis court while an automatic ball shooter  machine was on the other side for practice purposes. 

A tennis ball then shot up  in her direction as she was about to hit it, when Daffy all of sudden  appear in her face. 

"Lola!" Daffy called out as Lola jumped back in a startle and fell down. 

"Ah! Can you stop popping in on me like that?! I thought we were going to talk tomorrow?" Lola asked while placing her hand on her chest to check on her fast heart rate. 

Its was going to take a while to get used to this. 

"Lola, this is important. What did Speedy tell you about the accident?" Daffy asked. 

"Accident? What accident?" Lola asked, confused as she picked herself off from the ground. 

"You know, the story that he told you at the restaurant. I think I was in some sort of accident and I want to know how I got here." Daffy concluded. 

"Oh, um...." Lola said with a thinking sound, until Daffy realized that her memory somehow slipped her mind.  

"What?! You forgot?! You were supposed to let me know what happened." Daffy said in a panic. 

"Yeah my bad, sorry. I guess I have short term memory loss." Lola said, guilty. 

"Wasn't that from a movie?" Daffy asked, confused. 

"I don't know, maybe." Lola said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Whatever. Anyways, I found our psychic." Daffy announced. 

"You did! That's great! Who is she?" Lola asked, excited. 

"Her name is Witch Lezah." Daffy said. 

"Witch Lezah? Hmm. Doesn't ring a bell" Lola said, cluelessly. 

"She was our neighbor and I think she has a son named Gossamer. You know, the tall orange fur kid." Daffy described. 

"Oh! That guy! Yeah I remember now. He was so sweet. I even read him a bedtime story once when Bugs was babysitting him." Lola recalled. 

"I thought Bugs told me that it was a spell book and that was why he turned into a bear that day" Daffy said, shuddering at the memory of how frightful he was of Gossamer's bear form. 

"You're right I guess it was a spell book. hmm... Well do you know where could find her?" Lola asked, curiously. 

"I think I saw her work once when I was looking for my lost handbag in the mall. I thought that it was stolen" Daffy explained. 

"You had a handbag?" Lola asked, curiously. 

"Yeah. I have pink one at home and its got everything. My phone, sunglasses, my mints, my lip gloss and my scrunchies." Daffy said, cheery. 

"Oh my gosh! What kind was it? Michael Kors? Vera Bradley? Gucci?" Lola, asked interested. 

"I don't know. Its just a regular handbag. But I actually did have two once, until someone robbed me and took my blue clutch one." Daffy said, rolling his eyes. 

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