Chapter 15

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After Lola left the house to give both Daffy and Bugs enough time to say their final farewells, she decided that she was going to try one more option.

She went over to the witch's house, which was nearby Bugs's place, and knocks on her door.

A couple of minutes later, the witch opens the door to see that it was her and sighed, knowing that it can't be good news.

"Please tell me that there is something else you can do for Daffy. He's not going to be able to find his way out in time and we've tried everything." Lola said, in a begging tone.

"I'm sorry honey, but that book that I gave y'all was the best that I can do. Was he able to unblock his memory yet?" Witch Lezah asked, curiously.

"No, I don't think so. All I heard from Bugs is that they're cutting off his life support tomorrow and neither him or the doctors can do anything else about it." Lola explained.

"Sweetheart, I think you and I both know what's going to happen at this point and for that, I am truly sorry." Witch Lezah informed her as she put a comforting hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

Lola then, begin to widen her eyes in bewilderment and attempted to add on to her pleas.

"But..." Lola tried to object until she cut her off.

"I know you wanna help but, I'm afraid we can't do much more for him anymore ourselves. Maybe...this might be just his time to go. You understand right?" Witch Lezah asked, hoping not to upset her as Lola nods her head in agreement.

"Yeah. I understand. Thanks for the help anyways." Lola said sadly as she slowly walks out of the front porch and gets into her car to drive off while Witch Lezah looked on in pity.

She felt bad that she couldn't assist them any further but sometimes things just don't work out the way that they wanted to.

The witch was in deep thought for a moment until a child's voice from behind her interrupted her thinking.

"Mommy?" The kid asked as Witch Lezah turned around and smiled at him.

It was her 10 year old adopted son Gossamer, who was as innocent as he can be and also happens to be surprisingly close to Daffy.

He used to hang around with him a lot because Daffy would always try to help the kid out with his school issues whenever he can like an uncle figure, despite Witch Lezah's lacking trust in the duck.

"Why is Daffy leaving? Where is he going?" Gossamer asked sadly.

Sigh. Thank goodness he didn't hear the whole thing. Witch Lezah thought with a sigh as she held her child's hands and slowly broke the news to him.

She didn't want to give much hope but still give him some leeway since he is only a small child.

Too young to understand that life can be cruel at times and can take someone very important to you away in a matter of minutes.

"Daffy is going somewhere for a long time and Lola just asked me if I wanted to say goodbye to him. That's why she came up here. To let me know that he's heading out of town." Witch Lezah lied with a calm tone.

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