Chapter 17

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Daffy was in shock and stood frozen as he watches his loving grandma walk on closer to him.

She was as elegant and beautiful as he remembered her to be.

To him, she was the one grandma that everyone would want to have with her gingerbread like smile and her high, musical chirpy personality all in a posh and polite, uniformed way.

Pretty soon, he felt himself pulling her into a deep hug just like he always has everyday before he went to school while she was under his care.

"Grandmommy! I missed you so much!" Daffy cried out during his tight embrace to her.

"Haha. I miss you too sweetheart. My little Daffy. You have gotten so big. What have you been eating that's gotten you so strong and tough?" Daffy's Grandma jokes while releasing her grandson from the hug in a hefty laugh.

"Honestly grandma, you... wouldn't have liked my um, form of diet. It's the only food that I know how to make unless my friends cook something for me. know I'm not very good at cooking anything. he he." Daffy said, rubbing his neck in a wince as his grandmother shook her head laughed at him.

"Haha. Well when you get back to earth, I better see you eat some healthy foods this time and make sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables in your meals too just like we talked about before." Daffy's grandma advises while chuckling at her grandson's silliness before adding on.

"Oh how I miss you being a little baby. I wish I could go back and relieve those moments with you again." Daffy's grandma said with a warm smile that sure can lit up a fireplace.

"And I missed having your music around the house. It made everything feel so...homely again. But then after you passed away, my parents didn't hesitate to scavenge all of your inheritance and arranged a simple funeral without attending it at all. I was the only one who left a rose by your grave before the service was over and I never forgot about you, but it seemed like they did" Daffy explained sadly as his grandmother frowned from the despicable was of it all.

"Hmph! The nerve of your mother and that ludicrous husband of hers. They both need to learn some manners and be taught a lesson" Daffy's grandma scorned while waving her finger in the air, dramatically.

"Speaking of which, where are they now? I haven't seen them since I left that place years ago." Daffy asked, curiously.

"Oh for right now, they're in the middle of a what you may call it....a second chances type of ordeal and is still in the mist of learning to be kindhearted enough as proof to their assigned Angel that they are ready to enter the gates of Heaven, but for right now, neither of them have learned a single purpose in their lessons. If we get lucky, they'd might ready within the next couple of centuries but by then, the whole Duck family would already be dead from here." Daffy's grandma explained in a grumble which in turn made Daffy feel safe and smile.

She was still the same strong-headed grandmother that he knew and loved all his childhood life.

Now, she can be the one to help him on pass over to the next stage in his life.

Or more better yet, help him stay behind and relive this life again with the one person that he  most dearly loves.

But... what should I do? Daffy thought worriedly, his body in a shaking tremor as his grandmother looked over at him while placing one hand on his shoulder and the other one on his chin to get him to look at her, like he did when he felt nervous of going to school all over again.

"Sweetie, I think it's time for you to go." Daffy's grandma said softly and glances behind him to see that his window of opportunity was thinning even more.

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