Chapter 5

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Meanwhile, Bugs, who was at the hospital at the time, came into Daffy's room and sat in a chair next to him.

Daffy's coma state was described by doctors as severe.

His face was flustered as if he hadn't been in the sun in a while with tubes in his nose and throat.

His head injury, although was not wrapped up anymore in a bandage since his exterior injuries were healed, but had a lot of hemorrhaging on the inside, causing him to be in a 'vegetative' state.

Thankfully, his brain waves were still showing small signs of improvement to Bugs's relief.

Since his tragic accident state, not many people were able to see him as much.

Porky and Speedy had jobs to do with their work but would try to visit every now and then.

Tina on the other hand, tries to visit as much as she could until one day when she somehow couldn't bear to see him like this.

That was why she told Bugs that day over the phone that she was moving back to New York to live with her parents.

Of course Bugs was mad about it but, never resented her either for her decision.

He didn't blame her sudden rush of leaving because she was just as scared as he was of Daffy's low chance at recovery.

She simply just didn't want to be there if the doctors were to 'pull the plug' on him.

The difference however, between her and Bugs, was that he had more hope than anyone else in the word for that matter.

Daffy was his best friend and he wasn't gonna quit, not by a long shot.

Bugs then, starts talking to him to make things feel less lonely in the room.

"Hey Daffy. How are you?" Bugs asked with a weak smile as he looked at Daffy, whose eyes were closed as if he was sleeping.

Almost in a peaceful way, which would've surprised Bugs any other time. 

Seeing, that if those tubes weren't in the way, he would have been able to hear him snore.

Even though, most of the time, that snore usually drives him insane, he'd rather listen to it all night long than to not see him at all back home where he could hear it constantly and know that he is okay.

His thoughts and memories of it was turning into a burning silence.

After the moment passes, he continues talking.

"Everyone probably thinks that I'm crazy. Ha. Do you think so too?" Bugs asked with a small sad chuckle.

"I know you can't talk to me but, the doctors said that you can at least hear me right?" Bugs asked, rhetorically as he slowly grabbed his hand and gripped it a little so that it would be held firmly without tightening it too much. 

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't been so careless..... you wouldn't have ended up like this. I should have been the one to get hit, not you. I...." Bugs said until he paused.

He thought he was going to break down again any minute, but instead, kept his guard up.

He needed to be stronger for him.

Just for a little while longer.

He then, thought about what happened earlier and smiled a little more as he changes the subject for their sakes.

"Ha. You wanna know what happened today? Its a funny story, really. I was getting pizza for us at the restaurant and I was on my home when suddenly I remember how you used to mess with my radio all the time when we first met. So, my instincts told me to turn on the station right now and... Bam! There it was. Our song. I even turned it up way high because it made think that you were in the car with me. Like you were with me this whole time...." Bugs said excitedly until his last words were punching him in the guts.

He then thought about that weird chill in the air at the house. 

His fur shivering at the wisp of breeze that flew in on him as if a storm had flown in.

His throat now began to lump up at the memory of that moment.

The uneasy feeling that him feel like he was never alone.

Even if his body wasn't physically able to.

It was his spiritual one that Bugs was starting to understand.

Or was he?

".....Its like I could feel you. Are you with me now?" Bugs asked as he looked on at Daffy, who was unresponsive at the moment and shook his head.

He decided to throw that curiosity out the window.

What was he thinking?

Spiritual forms aren't real.

He should have known better than to accept the fact of coma patients can reach out to others like that.

I have to stop watching all of these ghost movies. Bugs thought exhausted in his mind as he rubbed his head and once again changed the subject.

"Never mind. Its probably nothing but an overactive air conditioner. You guys wouldn't have believed me if I told you." Bugs said as he slowly stood up from his chair, his hand still held with Daffy's.

"I wish I could stay long doc, but I have to get going soon. I promised Porky that I would be at the restaurant and I don't want to keep him waiting. But don't worry, I'll bring back something for you on my way home. In fact, once you're able to wake up, you'll be piled up high with so many leftovers. You would have use helium to expand your stomach muscles like you did with that hotdog eating contest." Bugs said in a more cheery laugh.

That festival was a fun time for him and he wish he could do it all over again.

Bugs then start to let go of his hand and waved goodbye to him.

"Bye, Daffy" Bugs said with a half smile as he starts to walk out of the room until he hears a sudden alarm blaring in the area and  turns around quick to sees that Daffy's heart rate was exhilarating fast like a nightmare.

His body started to shake and sweat rapidly as if he was going through a seizure.

Bugs panicked and tried called for help but some of the nurses who were already aware of the situation came into the room anyways and told Bugs to stay in the waiting room while they performed CPR on him until a doctor can come get him to let him know of his status.

Bugs nodded his head sadly in agreement as he walked out of there and sat in one of the chairs nearby while agonizingly waiting.

His face flustered and he felt like his chest was gonna explode.

He just hope that Daffy will be able to pull through it.

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