Chapter 8

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The next morning came around as Bugs start to slowly get up from his bed with a migraine-like headache throbbing vigorously at his skull.

He apparently had overslept and the time was about 1 pm in the morning by the time he awoke.

Rubbing his forehead, he looked around and noticed how his room was bright and stifling hot from the ceiling lights that were overused from last night.

Ugh. I forgot to turn off the lights again didn't I? Bugs thought in a groan as he turned off the light and walked downstairs all while Daffy watched over, sadly.

His limbo form, lingering ever so near Bugs without touching him, fearing that he'll only scare him away with the cool breezes that he gives when he bypasses people.

What should I do? He thought.

How much longer can he truly hold onto this transition before he falls apart and breaks like a shattered mirror.

His mind took into some deep thought while he looks over at Bugs, who barely ate anything but a nibble of a carrot that he had in the refrigerator and sat on the couch to watch T.V.

Bugs, who also felt torn by it all, became helpless at this point.

He had to wait approximately 24 hours before he could see him and it had only been around 12 hours.

Which meant that he had 12 or maybe even more hours to sit by on before he could visit him.

Each minute became exhaustingly more excruciating by the minute.

Daffy, who could not bear to look on at his pain any longer, turned away but not before he could give him a message that he knew for sure would give him some hope that he's still there.

He took his form and ran across the room.

The lights begin to flicker on and off.

The window curtains were swifting slowly, but largely enough to make some noise.

And the T.V started to flip channels vigorously

All with Bugs who started to notice some of these sudden changes, looked around confused.

Daffy then, walked over and placed a small gentle kiss on Bugs's forehead, which not only caused his head to feel cool, but also surprisingly took away his migraine as well.

A slight shiver immediately ran down Bugs's spine as he took in the mystery breeze with an awe.

His eyes closed, feeling more relaxed like he's in a dream.

This made Daffy smile and rest assured that he'll be okay for a little while longer.

"I'll be back." Daffy whispered to his ear as he transported his form to Lola's room, so that he could give her the update on what had happened yesterday.

And just like that, he was gone.

A few minutes later, Bugs immediately awoke from his daydream in a gasp.

His eyes widen in a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Daffy?" Bugs asked out loud as he looked around in a fret and sees that nothing had changed.

The lights.

The window curtains.

The T.V, everything.

Was all left untouched and unmoved like nothing ever happened.

Bugs, unknown of what to think from all of this, grabs a nearby pillow and grips it tight in a hug.

Am I going crazy? He thought sadly while lying head in his chest, squeezing the pillow hard as if he was about to cry any moment.


Meanwhile, Daffy, who was in the mist of his transportation, pops to Lola's room where Lola was examining silly at her bracelet bells.

She turns her head over to the window right as Daffy arrives in front of it and waves at him.

"Hi Daffy. How did it go?" Lola asked, referring to the hypnosis from the day before.

"I had it in mind and I was almost there but....then I panicked and I had to get out before I got sucked into the dark hole. My memory afterwards.... became nothing but a blur." Daffy explained, gloomy.

"Well, what did that Witch lady say about it?" Lola asked in concern.

"She told me that I had to wait until I can clear my head enough to recall the memory again. but....I don't know. Do you think.... I'll ever recover at all from this? What if I can't? What if I end up trapped like this forever?" Daffy asked, frightened that this could be his permanent state of life.

"Don't say that! There has to be another way. Why don't we...." Lola was going to suggest until she was cut off, as if he already knew what she was thinking.

"No! We still can't tell Bugs about this. He wouldn't believe us even if we translate a few things that I never tell anybody else before. I have to figure out something, but.... I don't know what..." Daffy said in a drifted off voice, thinking while Lola examines him closely and suddenly begins to smile beamingly like a giddy girl at a romcom movie.

"Gasp! You're glowing!" Lola exclaimed, excitedly.

"What?" Daffy asked, now losing his train of thought and looked at her, confused.

"I can sense it. The aura. It's burning, bright red. Daffy, you're in love." Lola squealed, her hands clasping her mouth from all of the shock of discovering this.

Daffy's face then started to turn red.

"No I'm not!" Daffy objected.

"Awww! Now I sense embarrassment too." Lola said, laughing in a sweet joy.

"Stop it! I am not embarrassed!" Daffy yelled out, angrily.

"Then why are you upset when I tell you that you're embarrassed?" Lola asked just to peeve him off.

"I....ugh. Never mind." Daffy said, looking away from her, irritated.

"Daffy, I know you don't want to talk about your feelings properly, but since I know now what you're actually feeling, can you tell at least tell me what's on your mind?" Lola asked, hoping to convince with a bright attitude.

"Sigh. Okay, fine I'll tell you." Daffy said as he whipped his head around to face her, his facial expression now changing to hurt.

"You wanna know what I'm really feeling? The truth is.... I'm scared. I'm scared that I'll never get out of this phase. I'm scared that I'll never be able to see my friends again. And..." Daffy tried to explain until he started to choke on his own words.

His mind now swirling memories of that familiar laugh that was always echoing his mind.

The soft kind smiles that he sees everyday.

The familiar ears and whiskers that he witnessed getting twitched up or flopped down when a certain emotional tension enters the room.

The joy of always being around him.

Even when the two would always fight, knowing that they were always by each other every single day

Making all of the arguments and all of the disagreements seem worthwhile.

While this was happening, Lola, who now felt bad that she forced Daffy to bring it all at once, couldn't help but to look on at him suffering in his panic.

Finally, when Daffy was able to collect himself, he continued, but his voice soon starting breaking at every last word that he was able to make out in his sentence.

"...And I'm scared that I'll never be able to tell Bugs that I love him." Daffy finished.

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