Chapter 13

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The thought of it all was killing Daffy slowly. 

The dreading fear of isolation is a strong worry that we have all faced once in our lifetime. 

Except it wasn't just trepidation of being alone that bothered him. 

It was more of leaving the people that they love by themselves that truly frighten him the most. 

Especially one in particular, who would end up lost and lonely.

Depressed and anxious.

Unhappy and in sorrow. 


No, he doesn't want that to happen to him. 

He can't die. 

Not like this. 

Not when he has so much to live for.

With so many reasons and so many words to describe how he had felt about their relationship. 

About how he knew for the first time.....

That he was actually in love with him. 

He has to keep fighting. 

If only he could just hold out for a little bit longer. 

Enough for a window of light or even a pathway, something. 

Anything to get him to snap out of his coma.

Now that he knows how to unblock his memories.

How would he take the next step and push away his fears?

 Daffy thought, ambitiously as he continued to watch over Bugs and his unconscious body for a while, until all of a sudden, a man who was wearing a typical medical coat with a professional name clip tag, walked into the hospital room and tapped on Bugs's shoulders. 

"Excuse me sir. Sorry to interrupt your visit but, are you the patient's friend, Bugs Bunny?" The doctor asked rhetorically to make sure he was talking to the right person. 

"Yeah, Doc I am. Why?" Bugs asked as he turned around to face him. 

"Well, I'm afraid that we have some rather troubling news. Would you like join me outside for a second?" The doctor offered, his tone sounded somewhat of a 'I know where is heading' type of matter. 

Almost as if he knew the moment he tells him that all Hell would break loose. 

After all, you could gain a lot of emotional experience from being in the licensed medical profession for over 10 years. 

And Bugs wasn't the only one would be lashing out on him over tough decisions like these. 

"Uh...sure, I guess." Bugs said nervously, worried that this is something his mind does not want to hear. 

"That doesn't sound good." Daffy mumbled to himself as he follows the two out into the hallways and on forward towards the outside work patio of the hospital wing. 

Once the doctor saw that there was no one around, he then stops Bugs from walking any further.

Daffy's limbo form lingered right beside them, hoping not to come too close them in contact in the process. 

"Well Doc, I hope you have a good reason for dragging me all the way out here. I should be heading back. so make it quick." Bugs said in a snippy attitude while crossing his arms. 

To the doctor, this type of behavior was normal for any patient visitors, who all tend to be cranky when they are too busy worrying over someone. 

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