Chapter 19

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He's.....alive? Bugs thought with his mind, blank and in utter complete shock.

His heart was racing fast and his eyes were still, unable to blink as he continued to look straight at Daffy.

It was him alright.

But it didn't feel real.

Not to mention that he had left the hospital a little while ago, after he had unbearably just saw him die right there in his arms.

But....did he really see him take his last breath?

He wasn't so sure.

All of sudden, his body had started to feel very still and numb from the overwhelming stress.

His vision, fuzzy and his head, spinning like a merry go round.

Soon, his body begin to sway a little before eventually falling down until Daffy was able to run over to him on time and caught him before his body could reach to the ground.

"Woah! Easy there Bugs." Daffy said softly while lifting him up a little to balance himself.

Even though he still wasn't able to recollect what had happened to him at the hospital that made everyone think he's some kind of ghost, he could see it in his eyes that his coma was of a very traumatizing one.

I wish I could remember. Daffy thought sadly while looking at Bugs, whose eyes were filling up fast with tears.

His body shook hard in tremors and he looked like he was going to break down any moment.

"What's wrong...." Daffy was fixing to ask until he suddenly felt a tight grip around his neck as Bugs pulls him into a deep hug.

"I....thought you died." Bugs sobbed, his words chocked up from the tears that were now falling down his face.

The two held onto each other for a while in their warm embrace until a thought struck up in Daffy's mind as he pulls away from him for a second to see his face which was drenched from the sobs.

He could see the smaller teardrops lining downward toward Bugs's cheeks and used his hand to gently brush them away. 

His heart, sinking all at once.

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." Daffy whispered as Bugs slowly reaches up and clasped his hand onto Daffy's with a wobbling half smile.

The touch of the hands meeting together somehow immediately jogged Daffy's memories back into place as he closed his eyes for a moment and let it all unravel on him once more.

The accident with its heavy noises and screaming cries from the street.

The black hole of his dream that seemed to have almost completely trapped him for life.

The coma and it's many, many incidents of others walking over him because his spirit didn't exist in their presence.

Tina's sudden departure back to New York, believing it to be that Daffy's coma was a lost cause.

Lola, who was the only person able to see him beside Witch Lezah of course and tries to help him out with his troubles.

The long-lasting lingering moments that he has with Bugs while slowly able to unlock his blocked out memories of his past.

The emotional feelings that he has for Bugs when the two had their last lunch together at the Pizzaribba before the accident.

His love for him along with the kiss that sent him over to the heavens and back in its warm glowing ember.

And finally the last minutes he that had with his dearly passed Grandmother, whose advice gave enough strength to make it out alive. 

All of which he could feel deep inside his mind and heart like a movie playing in real life.

But without the ending, to which as his grandmother would say,  'was up to him to decide for himself".

When Daffy opened back his eyes, he gasped in his own shock.

"I....I remember." Daffy said softly with his own smile perking up on his face.

Bugs then realizes what he meant and leaned in closer to him.

" much?" Bugs asked with their lips merely inches apart.

"Everything." Daffy answered as he immediately closes in on the space between them and kisses him on the lips.

The warmth of the kiss made both of their hearts leap with joy.

Their hearts pumping fast and their minds clinging onto the overwhelming love that they have for each other.

After a while, when the two finally parted from their kiss, Bugs sees that Daffy was now starting to cry too.

Except, he had a lot more things that he was afraid of than his own life as he now wraps his arms around Bugs and pulls them in another embracing hug.

This time, it was Daffy's turn to hold onto his buddy tight.

He didn't want to let him go.

Not ever again.

"When I was in that coma, I...I never left your side. Ever. I was there for you. I have always been there and for months, I've watched you crumble in pain knowing full well that I couldn't do anything to help. I tried calling out your name but you nor the others could see me until I found Lola and...she...she was trying to reach out and...Witch Lezah was able to help me recover my accident. I...I was so scared..." Daffy explained until he paused for a moment leaving Bugs to guess the rest of that sentence.

"Of dying?" Bugs asked.

"No...of leaving you. I didn't want our last memory together to be filled with pain and the last thing I wanted was for you to see me die in front of you. Bugs I...I love you. I love you so much that I wanted to tell you that day but I couldn't....I just couldn't so, I fought my way back so that I could get a chance to tell you myself." Daffy said as the two stayed silent for a second until Bugs spoke up.

"When the doctors said that they would take you off I thought for a moment there, that I've lost you. My only chaos in the world, gone." Bugs said in a whisper with only the quietness of the room as Daffy's reaction.

He then decide to add another thought in notion.

"'re alive and you came back to me. You came home to our friends and relatives. And that's all that matters." Bugs said as he pulls them out of their hug for a moment to look at him.

Their eyes now locking in place.

"Oh, there's also one more thing that I should mention to you now that you're really here with me." Bugs said with his smile beaming brightly.

"And what's that?"Daffy asked rhetorically as Bugs leans their heads in together in a close touch.

"I love you too." Bugs answered while the two once again kissed their hearts out like there's no tomorrow.

And for the remainder of that night, they shared a bed together in Bugs room, with no intention of ever leaving from each other's sights again.

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