Chapter 18

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As Doctor Gabin took a moment to examine Daffy, he thought about what could have caused his new development in his recovery.

Particularly focusing on the odd memory loss that he seemed to have.

But, how far specifically, did this missing recollection of his memory go? Doctor Gabin wondered with a Hmm sound.

As far as the doctor knew from the multiple experiences that he had seen in his profession, he would have guessed that this newly form of memory loss will only be temporary if Daffy was willingly enough to venture out clues like his friends or families and have the ability to piece it all back together again.

However, he didn't want to worry him nor give the patient any empty promises so, he decided to ask a few questions just to be sure that it'll be considered as a minor issue in his report.

"You were hit by a car and was admitted to this hospital for 6 months. At which, during that time, you had a numerous amount of visits while under a coma from your friend Bugs. Do you remember any of it or why he came to see you that often?" Doctor Gabin asked while he looks to see if there was any difference in the duck's facial expressions but unfortunately, no changes were made yet.

"No, not really." Daffy answered bluntly.

"Not even the voices that you would hear during your deep sleep?" Doctor Gabin asked, hoping that there be some progress and waits for a reaction.

"I..." Daffy said in a pause as he slowly tries to go back and listen for any of the voices that could have occurred in the mist of his unconsciousness.

However, the only ones that he was able to pick up on, were the small and frantic ones that blurred out like a T.V screen in a speeding marathon.


All of which were fragmented and fuzzy that matched to Bugs gentle voice but were still unreadable.

"I'm sorry Doctor, I just can't seem to recall any of it." Daffy said sadly.

From the doctor's point of view, he suspected by the look at Daffy's face, that this was just a case of only the recent memories during his coma that he actually had trouble remembering, which meant that within a good measure of time, they can be restored.

"I understand and it's okay to be confused, this is a completely normal process. You're very much lucky to be alive. Not all of our patients were as fortunate as you with this type of stability in the mist of your awakening. I'd say that your amnesiac condition would only be of a minor one. Unless of course, you're having any pain problems, to which I might be able to help if you need it." Doctor Gabin offered.

"No, I'm fine. Can I go now? I would like to see my friends again if that's okay." Daffy said, looking down.

He can't wait to get of there so that he could go back to town town where everything seemed normal again and less lonely.

Back to where he could hangout again with his friends at the Pizzaribba or more importantly back home where he could see Bugs grin his ever warming smile again.

Have I really been out of it that long?

Did Bugs actually wait for me to wake up all this time?

What exactly did he say and why... can't I remember any of it?

Maybe if I see him, I might be able to find the answers that I need and.....

Daffy thought in a longing pause as the doctor nod his head in approval.

"Yes, of course. I'm sure you've had enough rest for one day. Plus, a little exposure therapy couldn't hurt none. Some fresh air and real interactions with your peers are might be just what you need to get you moving again. Who knows, you might even recover those memories again as well." Doctor Gabin said as he opens the door for him and had a nurse assist him towards the exit in case he passes out or more complications appear on his way out.

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