Chapter 16

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The next morning became of a very sorrow one as Bugs gets up from his groggy sleep.

Which turned out to be a very uncomfortable one, considering how he spent the night resting on a chair while holding onto Daffy's hand all at once.

If it were any other day, the nurses would have told him ways ahead of time to go home.

But in his case, they figured that it would be better to just let him stay as long as he could.

Which meant a lot to Bugs since today was going to be at its last as he got up to stretch his arms, while still gripping on Daffy's hand and  looked over at him painfully with a sigh.

He truly wasn't ready to say goodbye and wanted to lie down beside him a little longer.

Is there any chance that I can still take you home and hold onto you forever? Bugs thought, his eyes burning red and filled up with tears while Daffy's limbo form on the other side of the room stared silently at him with his tears rolling down and shaking.

A few minutes later, the doctor from the other day came into the room, tapping lightly on the door.

"It's time." The doctor said morbidly as Bugs looks over at him and nodded his head slowly.

Soon, a nurse came joined into the room to start removing the IV supplies and his tubes from the machine.

When she was done, she turned off everything except for the heart rate so that the doctors will record the time of death and ushered Bugs to get out of the room for the mortician to come in later and grab his body until he objected.

"Wait! Can I tell him one more thing?" Bugs begged as the doctor and the nurse looked at each other for a second before nodding their heads in agreement.

"Go ahead. We'll be right outside if you need us." The doctor said as the two left the room to give him enough space and privacy for his last moment with Daffy.

When the two left, Bugs turned to him.

His eyes spilling out the dam-filled tears from his face as he leaned in closer, touching heads with Daffy and chocked out his next words while Daffy's limbo form shivered from the slight connecting touch of their heads and closed his eyes.

It felt peaceful to him that way and somehow comforted him through these final minutes of his life.

"I guess this is goodbye. But...just know that you'll always be in my heart forever. I love you." Bugs sobbed softly while leaning his head closer and kisses him on the lips.

Daffy's limbo form gasped and instantly opened his eyes as he watches his limp self being kissed by the one person he cared about the most in the world.

His heart with a growing feeling to bust while at the same time, his form glowing again in its ember.

Daffy's form brings a shaky hand to the source of its warmth and tenderly pressed it.

He kept on looking at Bugs, frightened as his form started to dissipate slowly into translucence like a fog breaking loose.

His form growing thinner and thinner into the air until there was no sight of him left.


The heart rate machine had now at this point reached to a flat line with Bugs still clinging on to a hug onto his body tight.

And just like that he was gone.


Not too long later, his form begin to reappear again.

Except this time, he was now in a much more different area.

It was a hallway that was pure and shined brightly like whiteout polish, but somehow at the same time looked oddly familiar to the hospital he was just in.

Daffy's nervousness soon starts to rise up high in a panic as he walks around in a fret, panting with worry.

"W...where am I?! Is somebody out here? Can anyone help me?!" Daffy whimpered in a fright until a voice overhead like a ceiling announcement

"Calm down sweetie. This is just the next step to the end of your journey." A familiar voice soothed as Daffy look up, surprised.

"Witch Lezah?! What are you doing here?" Daffy asked, confused.

"Well a little birdie gave me the idea to try one last thing and I found a way to become your guide for the next pathway of your life by choosing one of those two doors over there." Witch Lezah said as Daffy looked over and sees what she was meaning.

The door in front of him was a golden and glowing with a shadowy figure standing beside it as if it was waiting for him to walk on over to open it while the one behind him was darkened but still seemed to be usable enough to open it.

Although, the more he looked on that door, the more darker it was turning.

He didn't have a lot of time left.

"Your form is not quite ready yet to reach on over to heaven, so there is still a way out but you have to decide and hurry. I won't be able to help you out much longer and that door behind you will lock permanently in a seal which means that you will have no other choice but to cross over 'the bridge'. So, what are you waiting for?" Witch Lezah asked as Daffy stared on over at the glowing door and sighed.

"Oh." Daffy said out loud, his head lowering down, gloomy.

Another chance, huh. Daffy thought.

"What's the matter honey? Don't you want to go home?" Witch Lezah asked.

"I don't know if I can. I want to be with him so bad and stay on earth for the remainder of my life with him but.....I've already hurt him enough as it is and....I'm scared." Daffy said, sadly.

"Well.... there is someone else in this world who would love to talk to you beside me and maybe she can you some better advice. I found her through my tele-portal communication on my way over here and she can't wait to see you again. She'll be so happy. Come on over honey and tell your grandson what you think he should do." Witch Lezah called over to the shadowy figure in front of him.

"Who..." Daffy was going to ask until the figure walked on over to him with a bright warm smile.

When she was visible enough, he could now clearly see that she was an older female Duck who had her hair up in a bun and was wearing an elegant purple vintage cardigan with a bright Pearl necklace across her neck.

Similar to the the one that Daffy himself was wearing in a collar.

"Grandma?" Daffy asked with widen eyes in shock.

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