Chapter 3

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While Lola was uncovering a lot of information in private with Speedy, regardless of her ongoing sudden memory losses, Daffy, who was able to quickly slide through Bugs's car, lightly sat on his passenger seat as he watched the poor rabbit drive home slowly.

Ever since Daffy witnessed that look on Bugs's face when he first reached home, he hasn't been able to leave his side much since.

He didn't truly know for sure how much pain Bugs was in, but wanted to keep him company,

Regardless of Bugs unawareness of his presence, Daffy still wanted to show him that he's here with him now.

Like an recall of an old memory, Bugs suddenly turns on the radio and goes to the old music station with the volume blasted high.

Daffy instantly remembers that same memory and it almost felt like yesterday.

*Flashback: It was around 17 years ago and at the time, they were only friends for about a week.

Daffy was sitting in the car with him that day, having a joy ride in his station wagon car when he suddenly had to urge to hit the radio button .

In a matter of minutes that same Whitney Houston song played as he increased the volume high in response.

"Ooo! Now here is a good song." Daffy said excitedly.

"Daffy! Stop messing with the radio!" Bugs yelled, trying to turn down the volume, only for it be back up to the max by Daffy.

"Why? This is my jam." Daffy said, coolly.

"You got it way too loud." Bugs said, rubbing his head agitated.

"What?" Daffy asked, now at this point can't even hear his friend.

"I said you got the vol....never mind." Bugs said, giving up at this point on lecturing him and let Daffy listen to the music.

"How will I know? How will I know?" Daffy sung which causes Bugs to look over at him and laugh at his silliness.

"Come on Bugs I know you can sing too." Daffy encouraged as he nudges Bug's arm with his elbow constantly.

Bugs rolled his eyes and waited for a good cue to chime in.


"How will I know if he really loves me? I say a prayer with every heartbeat. I fall in love whenever we meet. I'm asking you, what you know about these things. How will I know if he's thinking of me? I try to phone, but I'm too shy, can't speak. Falling in love is so bittersweet. This love is strong, why do I feel weak?" Bugs and Daffy sang together, karaoke style.

Some more words played through that song as they took a quick break for a moment.

"You're right. It is cool song ." Bugs said with a warm smile.

"Told ya. Oh! here comes the best part!" Daffy yelled out as he waited for Whitney Houston's encore of her words to come through and....

"How will I know?! How will I know?!" Daffy sung out his loudest, which doubled Bugs over in laughter as they ride the rest of the road way carrying on (end flashback).

Daffy's memory soon clicked off back to the present as Bugs's car pulled into the driveway and stopped.

Bugs then, got out of the car and unlocked the front door, leaving it wide open while walking inside as if Daffy was still staying over at his place.

When he realized he was the only one in the house, he shook his head.

Oh I forgot. Bugs thought as he went over and closed the door himself.

Daffy's form soon joined beside him as Bugs laid out the 2 pizza boxes on the counter and opened one up to eat but before he could pick up a piece, he thought about the many pizza visits that him and Daffy made together, before his whole world stopped in front of him.

His eyes then suddenly start to water.

"I...can't. Not without him." Bugs sobbed with burning tears pouring down his face as closed up the pizza box in an instant and places the two boxes in the fridge along with the other now frozen up pizza boxes that laid on the shelfs of the refrigerator.

Apparently, Bugs made numerous trips to the Pizzaribba but never ate any of them up.

So, Bugs took a couple of carrots instead and close the fridge down behind him.

Daffy, who felt the need to hug him, walks over to him in an attempt to hold onto him, but yet again went through him like a typical wisp of air and falls down immediately.

"Darn it! I forgot." Daffy said as he picked himself back up in time to see Bug's fur starts to spike up quickly, who shivered in response.

"Brr! Is the air conditioner high again?" Bugs muttered to himself, rubbing his arms vigorously as he wiped away his tears and goes over to the air conditioning unit to increase the temperature.

"Weird, its only 80 degrees, but I feel like something else is here with me?" Bugs asked as he ironically looked into the direction of Daffy's form and stared.

Soon, Daffy locked eyes with him as a response in shock.

He can feel me? Is that even possible? Daffy thought as the two gaze on for what felt like the longest time.

Until a sudden ring broke their eye contact.

"Ugh." Bugs groaned as he picked up his cellphone and answered it.

"Hello?" He spoke through the phone while Daffy leans in close to hear him.

"Oh. Hey Porky." Bugs said as Daffy rolled his eyes at the name.

I might be friends with him now, but it doesn't mean that he can hog all of Bugs's time. Daffy thought in a typical jealous manner.

"Yeah, I'm free. But....I might need to go back to the hospital first to check up on Daffy." Bugs said with hesitation.

"No, I'm fine. I...." Bugs was going to say until Porky's voice interrupted him.

"No, I don't need to see Witch Lezah. She's got her own things going on and actual patients to help. She doesn't..." Bugs argued but got cut off again.

"Porky, I'm not crazy and I don't have any trauma. I..." Bugs said but paused as he continues to hear Porky lecture on until he was given a chance to speak.

"I'll see you at the Pizzaribba. Mhmm. Bye." Bugs said as he hung up the phone and left the house in a hurry.

Daffy watches him go as he thought about what he had just heard earlier about their neighbor.

Witch Lezah?.....Yes! That's it! She can help me. Why didn't I think of that earlier? Daffy thought as he quickly transports his body over to find Lola.

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