Chapter 7

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Later on, back at the hospital, Bugs, who had been sitting there for hours and hours at a time waiting, was getting more tense as each minute passed on.

It was like standing by the door while your loved one was going on for a surgery.

Only this procedure, was more stressful and more fearing than anyone else could ever face.

Daffy's heart rate had shot up like lightening and it was causing his brain waves to crash, which was why the doctors were now constantly trying to revive him and keep his body steady.

By that time, Bugs knew that it was going to be a long night before he gets any news back so, he called Porky to let him know that he had to cancel their friends' meet at the restaurant.

Of course, Porky understood and asked him to call him back if anything else occurred.

Finally, 4 hours later, a doctor with loads of sweat across his face walked to Bugs to update him of the situation.

"Are you Bugs?" The doctor asked when the two were face to face.

Immediately, Bugs stood up fast, almost in a stumble when he hears his name being called.

"Is he okay?!" Bugs yelled out in a panic.

"Yes. We stabilized his heart rate and his brain waves are slowing back to his normal coma state." The doctor explained with his hands hold up in the air to calm him down.

Normally, doctors in these types of scenarios are able to alleviate relief from the families or the friends of the patients if they are for sure certain that the patient is going to be fine.

However, some of those doctors like him, can't truly promise that these patients are going to completely recover so they give out as much information as they can of their conditions

"Can I see him now?" Bugs asked, in concern.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait until his body can recover from that trauma that he had just experienced. Give him at least 24 hours and then, if there isn't anymore problems with his state, then you can come visit him again" The doctor advised.

"Oh sure. No problem, I can wait." Bugs said softly with a nod.

But can he really?

As Bugs turns around and starts to walk to a nearby elevator.

The doctor spoke up from behind to give him one more startling advice will that surly shook him to the core.

"I understand that you're really close with him, but will you please think about his...." The doctor was going to suggest shutting down his life support until he was interrupted.

"I don't care how long it takes. I'm not going to have him removed him off his ventilator and that's final." Bugs said with his back not turned in a harsh, protective tone.

"Okay, I will respect your decision. However, you need to know this. The more that his body lies there, the more suffering that he is facing every single day." The doctor explained.

Coma patients, like Daffy who stay in there for about 6 to 12 months on a ventilator, have an very low chance for surviving and the longer they wait, the more that the chance drops to about 2%.

Which is particularly why professionals like him are constantly counseling them of knowing when it is time to let them go.

However, like the many loved ones who have come across these types of experiences, Bugs also continued to hold his hopes high.

"As long as his brain waves are active, he is still alive and nothing with change my mind." Bugs said as he continued to walk away and

The thought of it all was making him sick to his stomach and he just couldn't look at the guy anymore without feeling the need to punch him across his face.

They always say that anger can get the best of you and his anger had risen high that night.

The last thing he needs is to go to a jail and be banned from the hospital for just a simple fight. 


Meanwhile, Daffy, whose spiritual form was sitting on the couch, was waiting for Bugs to come home with his mind continuously active, swooshing fast like a train on two wheels.

He couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened at the office.

It was so quick, that even lightening couldn't have struck the ground in a timely manner.

He was so close, and so near to the truth, until he wasn't and almost ended up inside that 'dark world' he had been trying to avoid.

Witch Lezah did warn him that it was a risky process, but he didn't listen and had reacted too early to all of it.


If he wasn't so afraid of his own fears, would he have been able to see it then?

He continued to question it, until all of a sudden, he hears a door unlocking and turns to see that it was Bugs entering the house.

It was around midnight by the time he had arrived back to the house.

"There you are. I was so worried...." Daffy exclaimed but then pauses as he watches Bugs slowly walk up the stairs.

Daffy follows him and sees Bugs lying down on his bed with the lights.

He didn't want to shower or eat.

He just wanted to sleep.

Daffy sighs and lies his form on the other side of the bed where the two can face each other.

Bugs was starting to slowly fall asleep and flopped his arms on the other side of the bed as if he waiting for someone to reach in and take his hand.

To which, Daffy does take it, despite his form ghostly going through it but, he didn't care.

He needed him.

Bugs's sleep was fixin to be set on REM mode (deep dreaming) until to Daffy's surprise, he starting talking.

His mouth was gaped naturally open, but you could still hear the words that he was making out.

"Please let him be awake soon so that I could tell him that I lo...." Bugs mumbled until at the last second, he was fully asleep before he could even finish the last word to Daffy's disappointment.

Daffy then, scooted his form closer, his head closely touching to Bugs's.

"Don't worry, Bugsy. I'm still here and I'm gonna get out of this. Just.... wait for me. I'm coming home." Daffy whispered out to him with his hand still touching Bugs's and watches him sleep for the rest of the night.

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