Chapter 14

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The tender, nostalgic comfort of holding Bugs, who had been on his knees crying his heart out for the past 10 minutes, felt more of a soft breeze than actual comfort. 

While Daffy still held onto him for a bit longer, he thought about the very few moments like these where for the past few days, he could still imagine the glowing heat that ember around his hands from Bug's soft touch to his own body. 

It was his only connection to both worlds and....

The only warmth that he'll ever have left in this form. 

Even though he couldn't give much to reassure him that everything will be okay, his soft airy kisses to his forehead, seem to somehow calm Bugs down a little.

After a brief time later, Bugs was able to to pick himself up off the ground and walked out of the hospital building. 

From there, he got into his car from the parking lot and drove on home. 

Of course, unware that Daffy was sitting right beside him in the passenger seat. 

He was planning on talking to Lola afterwards but...

He had a bad feeling that things could get chaotic if he didn't stay with him longer. 

In which that it did as the closer Bugs got to the house, the more frustrated he got. 

His hurt now at this point, was forming into a much angry and upset type. 

The kind that can really push someone off the edge. 

Bugs, unconsciously began to increase the speed of the car from a normal 45mph into a dangerous speed of 160mph! 

The rush and pumping adrenaline of the fast car on a thankfully, open no-traffic road, was causing him to feel so numb, that the pain from his grief was slowly, slipping away.

Daffy however, on the other hand in a panic, turns to him and screams as loud as he could, despite the obvious fact that he can't actually communicate with him. 

"Woah! Bugs! Calm down, buddy. You're going to wreck!" Daffy warned.

He didn't know what to do. 

He can only hope that Bugs would be sensible enough to stop the car. 

And so eventually he did, but not in the safe way that you think it'd be. 

Somewhere in Bugs mind, something was repeatedly urging him to stop as he immediately pushed his foot hard onto the brakes, causing a rough halt to the car.

His body was pushed forward a little, but was reasonably restrained from going too far from the seatbelt that he was wearing around him and put the car in park. 

At first things got quiet for both as Bugs continued to let his car sit in the middle of the ghostly highway. 

Until a sudden, strong thought reminded him of why he was hurting in the first place.

The thought of it boiling in Bugs's head became very enraging as he decide to let it all out at once in this very moment. 

"Why?!" Bugs screamed as Daffy jolted from the sudden shout. 

He knew where this was going and kept on listening to him rant in a sad sigh. 

"Why does Daffy have to be so foolish?!" Bugs yelled as he punch his sterling wheel hard. 

"Why couldn't he just picked a different fake profession?!" Bugs said rubbing his forehead that was forming a massive headache from his stress. 

"Why does he have to be that dumb to sign a form that he didn't even read?" Bugs said, now lowering his volume a little.  

He took a few deep breaths before saying his last sentence. 

"And now... his life is being taken away all because of a stupid piece of paper." Bugs softly said, rubbing his face roughly, hoping he can pull himself together. 

"I'm really sorry Bugs. I'm sorry that I'm putting you through this. If...if I can come home soon, I'll find a way to make it up to you." Daffy added while Bugs shifted his gear to drive and slowly drove the rest of the way home. 

When they got to the driveway, Bugs pulled in and was surprised to see Lola standing on the front doorstep of the house. 

The two exit the car as Daffy shook his head in dismay and drifted quickly to her.

"Oh no, Lola. Whatever it is that you're doing, it can wait. He is not in the mood right now for any talk" Daffy warned her as Lola carefully glance over to him and smiles. 

"I got this." Lola whispered, winking at him before shifting her eyes back to Bugs, who wasn't even paying much attention to her at the moment. 

"Hey, Lola. What are you doing here?" Bugs asked, tiredly. 

"I just came by to check on you and see how everything is going." Lola announced

"Uh-huh." Bugs replied in a monotone like voice as he unlocks the door, not caring that she followed him right inside and shut the door behind her. 

"So.... how was your visit? Is he getting better?" Lola asked rhetorically, hoping that there would be some good news.

She then turns to Daffy, who was now giving her a depressing sorrow look, indicating to her that it did not go well. 

She may be clueless on just about everything. 

But not this.

She can feel in her heart that something was very wrong as she furrow her eyes in a concerning matter and looks back over at Bugs, whose back was turned to her.

"Bugs?" Lola asked, worriedly.

 But he never did answer so she repeated. 

"Bugs, what did the doctor say?" Lola asked again.

"They're taking his life support off because of Daffy signing a simple form and now it looks like there won't be much time for him left." Bugs explained. 

"What?! That's not right. Can't you at least do something? This is Daffy we're talking about. Your own best friend..." Lola tried to say until she was cut off as Bugs turn to her, irritated. 

"What do you want me to do Lola?! You don't think I've noticed? I tried everything! Ugh." Bugs said as he flopped immediately on the couch and waited for his temper to simmer down. 

When he was finally able to calm down, he continued. 

"*Sigh. T...they're.... they're going to pull the plug tomorrow and I can't do anything about it. I've already called several lawyers a couple of days ago and they told me that I couldn't legally do much because I was not family. one else was willing to say otherwise. Not even his  parents had the time to come over and help their own son. Its over....I'm gonna lose him." Bugs said, covering his face with his hands, in pain. 

"B...but he's..." Lola tried to explain until she was interrupted again. 

"It doesn't matter if he's here now or in our minds. He'll be gone before we know it and I can't save him." Bugs said firmly, his tone basically telling her to just go. 

To Lola, there was no point in making the situation any more worse than it already is so, she stopped and decided to leave him be. 

"I'm sorry. I'll just see myself out then." Lola said as she glances over to Daffy, her face in a 'I think you should stay with him' look as she now directly stares at both and said her last advise before exiting the house. 

 "Good luck to the both of you. I hope you can see it in your hearts that you two really do need each other still. Even when the circumstances are not at its best. The least you can do for him now is to see him one last time. Right? Goodbye Bugs." Lola said as she leaves the house and closes the door behind her. 

Leaving the two in the dim-litted home with both, now wondering how will they say their final goodbyes. 

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