Chapter 2

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After sinking into some thought, Daffy now realizes that he needed to find someone to help him out of his situation and there was only person so far that was proven to have seen him.

Since he couldn't remember exactly how he got to her room in the first place, he decided to close his eyes and imagined the room itself, trying his darnest to retrace back his steps.

Finally, a whoosh flooded through him as his spiritual form transported himself back to her room.

In an instant, he popped by window of her room with relief that she was still there since he didn't leave the area for long.

"Lola!" Daffy shouted to get her attention as she turns her swivel chair from her vanity desk set around and jolted in an instant.

"Ah! Daffy! Don't do that. You scared me." Lola complained, clutching her heart as if she was going to have a heart attack.

"Lola I need your help. You were right about me, I am a ghost. No one can see me or hear me. I've tried everywhere. The Pizzaribba. The Mall. Even Bugs..... can't and he looked so upset. I didn't even what was happening. And all I thought at first was that they were just ignoring me." Daffy explained in a frenzy.

"Ha! I told you were one and you didn't believe me." Lola pointed out, in a silly manner.

"Lola, this is serious. Why can't anyone see me?" Daffy asked, in a panic.

Lola then turns around and looks at her vanity mirror.

"I think I know why. Here come take at look at yourself." Lola suggested as Daffy walks over close to her vanity but does look up yet.

"Lola, I don't need to look at myself. I see this ugly face everyday. Its the same thing." Daffy said, bored.

"Well you won't be seeing yourself anymore for a long time" Lola explained in a wince, hoping he won't freak out.

"What are you talking about...." Daffy was going to ask as he looks up and sees that there is no reflection.

Not a single trace of him ever existing at all.

"Gah!!! I can't see my face! This is bad. This is so bad. Does this mean that I'm dead?! Ah! I can't be dead! I'm still too young!" Daffy yelled out hysterically.

"Who said anything about you being dead?" Lola asked, leaning her head in question.

"The same people that look into a crystal ball and reveal all the secrets to anyone they meet." Daffy explains, rolling his eyes.

"Aren't those people, psychics?" Lola asked, curiously.

"Yes! Psychics! that's who we need to talk to. Do you know anybody like that around?" Daffy asked in a hopeful manner.

"I'm a psychic." Lola claimed.

"I meant a professional one" Daffy said, bluntly.

"What? Is my special ability not good enough for you? I'll have you know that I can make more people fall in love in a matter of minutes than any other matchmaker could and..." Lola was going to say until Daffy interrupted.

"I don't need love! That's not the problem. Look, I can see that your skills are helpful and all but I really need someone who can help me get back in to my own body. One that can actually walk and talk. Where everyone knows that I'm alive and...I don't know who else to turn to at this point." Daffy said, looking down defeated.

"Oh. Well, that's okay then. I'll still help you." Lola said, beaming.

"Really?" Daffy asked, now anticipated.

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