"We're Going Out,"

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"It's here! My letter is here," I scream as I jumped up and down with the big envelope tightly gripped between my hands.

My mom and dad hadn't been here, because they were both at work. Justin had spent the night with me, and we both decided to ditch school, me, because I was still sick as can be, and Justin because he swore I needed someone here to look after me while I was home alone.

I raced upstairs and into my room. Justin was still passed out on the bed. I shook him uncontrollably, trying to wake him from his deep slumber.

"It's here Justin! My letter from Cooper Union is here," I shouted as I jumped up and down on the bed. He groaned loudly before springing from his position.

"No way! Mine might be here as well."

Smiling big, before I hoped off the bed to slip on some shoes, Justin and I raced over to his house to check the mail. He pulled out an envelope as big as mine and brought it to his chest before tightly closing his eyes and whispering a few words under his breath.

We made our way back to my house, taking a seat on the sofa next to each other.

"You first," Justin blurted simply.

I shot him a gaze before I parted my lips.

"How about we open them together. I mean it would be way better because then we can both see each other's expression when we read we've got accepted."

Justin smiled big before nodding his head in agreement.

"On the count of three, we open or letters. Deal?" Justin asked.

"Mhm," I mumbled with excitement piercing through my tone.

"1... 2...," he dragged on, at this point, I was already on the edge of my seat and I was waiting to see what lied behind the envelope. "3."

Justin and I both looked at each other before I ripped the envelope open. I glanced down to my letter and allowed my eyes to scan the paper quickly, reading what the letter had said in my head.

Dear Brooklynn Marie Thomson,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you of your administration to Cooper Union, college for the Advancement of Science and Art, has been accepted. We were very pleased to call you a Cooper Union student. We are very pleased to inform you that you have a full scholarship to Cooper Union, and we can not wait to see you attend our school in the fall of 2012.

Before finishing the rest of the letter, I look to Justin with my mouth agape.

"I got in!" I yelled, jumping off of the sofa and running around the family room.

"I didn't," Justin replied simply. I looked at him with widened eyes before taking a seat next to him on the sofa.

"What do you mean you didn't? Or course you did. You have to of have. It's inevitable. Justin you probably are reading it wrong. Here, let me see it," I respond, taking the letter from him and scanning my eyes across it. "I-I don't know what to say? You told me you think you did amazing in your auditions. You said that to me. I've heard you sing and there's absolutely no way that you didn't get in."

"Brooke, I lied. I ruined that audition. I missed every beat. I tripped up. I didn't study. I didn't practice. I choked," Justin informed, lowering his head. "I'm a failure."

I looked at Justin with sympathetic eyes and lightly rubbed his back.

"It's ok. It was just one college, anyways, I've heard that Julliard is a very difficult school to get into. You tried, that's all that matters right?" I questioned. Never once moving my hand.

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