"I'm Fine."

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"Justin, that was amazing! Your vocal range and your dance moves and your rhythm is just so outstanding. I see why they cheer so loud. You're amazing out there," I giggled as we walked to his dressing room. Justin had been covered head to toe in sweat and he needed to change.

"Thank you," Justin replied, wiping his face free from sweat with the towel that Scooter had handed him after the concert had ended.

As we all walked to Justin's dressing room, we piled in and we all congratulated Justin on the successful concert. The room was filled with everyone from the Bieber team. Although I hadn't memorized their names, I could recognize them by face.

"That was the best concert of the tour. So far anyways." Scooter clapped, grabbing Justin by the shoulder.

"I felt great out there, I've never felt like that before on stage. It was something about that crowd tonight that just gave me the right amount of energy." Justin confessed, slightly jumping up and down. I smiled at him and huddled in as everyone opened their arms for a group hug.

After the hug, and everyone congratulating Justin, and the crew members packing up everything from the concert, we walked out of the arena. Justin insisted on using the side door. He said out of all the other doors, this was the one he could walk out without getting mobbed by a group of fans. As we walked out, there were three girls waiting along the wall. As Justin and I kept walking, they took notice of our presence and quickly walked over to us.

"Justin? Is that you?" One of the girls whispered. Justin had on a hoodie, so he stopped walking, turned around and lifted up his hoodie.

"Yeah, it's me," he whispered back. All three girls began squealing and jumping up and down uncontrollably.

"Shh," Justin replied gently.

The girls slowly gained their sanity back and they all ran toward Justin, attacking him into a big group hug. I stood back and watched as they all smiled with joy in their eyes while their arms were wrapped around Justin's body.

"I love you so much." One of the girls cried. I placed my hand over my heart as I watched as tears streamed down her face. "You mean so much to me and you have gotten me through more than I can recall. You've taught me to believe in myself and you've taught me to never give up. I was a wreck before I found you, your music. I just," she began, getting cut off by her sobbing. "I love you so much." She ended. Stepping back. Justin looked at all of them and smiled. They all had a face shot of Justin in their hands, so Justin signed it and gave the girls one last hug before we walked to the Range Rover.

"JB, you think you can drive to the hotel on your own tonight? I'm very busy. Scooter wants me to help him with a couple of things," Kenny questioned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine to drive, it not that far from here, so we should be fine," Justin replied, getting in the drivers seat. I walked over to the passenger side and got in and buckled in.

"Okay, I'll be there at around eight in the morning to pick you up for the photo shoot tomorrow," Kenny added.

Justin simply nodded his head and stuffed the key into the ignition.

"Drive save," Kenny replied, stepping back from the car. I reached for my seat belt and strapped it over me.

"I will," Justin replied. Putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the drive way. I watched as Kenny waved, and both Justin and I waved back at him, until his body was no longer in sight.

"So where are we going next?" I questioned, twisting the volume dials for the radio.

"Now we're headed to the hotel. We both need some rest. Tomorrow is a really big day for the both of us, and we both need as much energy as we can possibly get," Justin informed.

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