"I Think I'm In Love."

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"Let's do that again. This time I need you to sing it like you mean it Brooke. Don't be shy." Scooter replied, clapping his hands.

I looked at everyone just standing around as they practiced dance moves for another song. I clenched the mic in my hand and looked Scooter directly in the face.

"You're telling me not to be shy, but look how many people are here. If I can barely sing in front of sixty something people, how do you suppose I sing in front of more than a thousand. I'm just way too scared. I've never done this before." I confessed, shuffling on the stool I had been sitting on. We had the whole arena all ready and we were now running through the final touches of the performance.

"Brooke, listen here. I'm sure you can do this." Scooter responded.

"What if they boo me? What if someone throws a water bottle at me, or tomatoes?" I question, getting up from the stool to pace the stage.

"You're catastrophizing." Scooter deadpanned, folding his arms in front of his chest.

"It's not catastrophizing if it's actually a catastrophe!" I snapped back.

"Oh come on Brooke," Justin began, grabbing my hand. "You can do this. You know why?" He paused.


"Because I believe in you. I know that you can do this."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I got this." I whispered.

"Okay, so now can we take it from the top?" Scooter asked. I nodded my head and Scooter and Justin both smiled at me. After taking another deep breath, I walked back over to the stool and sat down. I turned my head to look at Justin, he still had a smile plastered on his face.

"Ready." I spoke, closing my eyes. Justin began singing the song, and I followed along with him, the same way we had did it in the studio.

After we had finished, claps came from around the arena, and I opened my eyes, realizing we had began the tour.

I stood up from the stool and a big round of applause was given.

"They love you Brooke," Justin spoke into the mic. I turned to look at him and smiled, as the applause and cheering got louder.

I waved to the crowd before I walked off of the stage to the back. Scooter has been standing close by, so when I went backstage, he wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear.

"They love you." He clarified. I broke the hug apart and looked Scooter in the eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you for talking me into doing this. It was the best feeling I've ever had. I've never felt more alive." I confessed. "All these years of feeling trapped and buried, tonight was the first time in a long time that I've felt free." I responded.

"See, maybe we can make this a career for you. You can be a singer. The crowd already loves you. Heck, Justin loves having you on stage with him." Scooter replied sounding happy. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"I don't know. I just have to think about it for a while. I don't think I'm cut out for the life Justin has. I don't think I'm ready." I confessed.

"I understand. The life Justin has is very challenging, but you will love what comes with it. Brooke, you have a story to tell. I know you probably feel uncomfortable about what happened to you, but some people can relate to you." Scooter replied.

I flashed a crooked smile and nodded my head.

"It's okay Brooke. I'm not saying we need an answer right now, because we don't. We can wait, but I am just saying." Scooter finalized.

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