''Into the Woods We Go''

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"You guys are in charge of the food preparations. We're having a few friends and their families come over for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. So we need everyone participating," aunt Kelly says, putting the turkey inside of the oven.

"Ok Kelly, so when do we get a break? We kinda want our friend to show us around." Em says, licking the spoon from the chocolate cake batter. She's always been the one that's open. She gets along with everyone and she just has that charm about her that made everyone love her.

"I do get that you guys want to hang out, so I'll let you guys go, but tonight, we're staying up all night to make the food," she begins. We all cheered and was about to make our way to the door. "I'm not done, you guys need to be back by 10:00. No later," she says, pointing the knife she used to cut the turkey, at us, giving us all a fright.

We all raised our hands in defence before walking to the door and making our way outside.

"So what are we going to do first?" Ashton asked as they both followed behind me. I was walking to Justin's house. I remember him telling me if I ever wanted someone to show me around, he would do it.

''Well, I was thinking that we could ask my friend Justin to show us around,'' I talked, making my way to the front of his door.

I knocked, and Justin opened the door; shirtless of course. I felt someone bump my shoulder and I turned to look at Em. Her eyes wide like she had just seen Taylor Styers, the hottest boy celebrity that's ever walked the face of the earth of course.

"He's hot," she whispered under her breath.

"Hey Brooke, you guys can come in. Let me go upstairs and get some clothes on," he says inviting us into the living room.

Justin made his way upstairs as Emily, Ashton, and I sat on the couch.

"Who's that guy?" Ashton asked in a jealous tone, clearly upset that Emily found Justin's appearances to be godly.

"He's the hottie next door," I giggled mocking his name in my phone.

"He's so sexy. Why didn't you tell me about him? I would f-"

"You would what?" Justin says making his way downstairs, fully dresses this time.

"Uh, I was just saying how much I'd love to fuck you. Ya know, you're really sexy and I think It'd be nice if I could show you around my bed someday," she says confidently. Walking close enough to him to touch.

Ashton and I looked at each other with widen eyes. It wasn't hard to tell Ashton was completely jealous of how much attention Emily was giving Justin, I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous at how much Ashton wanted Emily and not me. To be completed honest I wanted him to think of me that way.

"Maybe I can show you to my bedroom right now and we can explore my sheets, how does that sound pretty lady," Justin avers.

"It sounds disgusting; obviously we're standing right here and you guys are talking about sex," Ashton says separating Emily and Justin from kissing distance.

"I agree. I think we should go hang out while we still have time. You always said if I wanted you to show me around, you would. I haven't really seen much around here, so I think today should be the day you show all of us around,'' I declared.

Ashton shook his head in approval, and we all made our way out of Justin's house.

''Where is your mom Justin? How are we going to go somewhere if her car isn't even here?'' I ask, clearly aggravated that he was too busy mind fucking Em, that he didn't mention his mom wasn't even here.

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