''I promise.''

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The rest of the week scurried right past my eyes. It was Friday and I was in the line to get my lunch.

"So have you decided if you wanted to go to the party?" Liam asked, grabbing his lunch and sitting it on to his tray.

"I'm not sure, I mean what would Ashley think if I showed up at her house, uninvited by her? It just seems pretty shady. I don't really want to start drama. I've been in school here for a week now, I'm not really looking to make enemies." We had made our way to Liam's lunch table. It concluded of, the varsity football jocks, Ashley, and of course her two minions. I haven't bothered to ask their names because it seems like they are just a different Ashley. Ashley two, and Ashley three. I called them.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Would you babe?" He ask sitting beside Ashley. As they exchange saliva, she looks at me with a smirk, clearly wanting me to be jealous. I don't know how long she was going to keep that act up, before she relapses Liam isn't exactly my type. He was really cute and all, just not what I wanted, so I decided to let her continue with her competitive act because I found it hilarious.

"Wouldn't mind what?" She asked rubbing his shoulder and looking at me. As I try to hold back my laughter, Liam replied.

"Having Brooke come to our party. I mean her being the new girl and all, we should introduce her. Show her around and what not," he says taking a big bite out of his homburg. The rest of the varsity jocks nodded in agreement. Ashley furrowed her eyebrows at me, clearly showing me that she didn't want me anywhere near her house

"No, I wouldn't mind at all," she spoke through gritted teeth.

Lie, I thought as I picked up my sandwich.

"Well then that's settled, I told you she wouldn't mind." He says smiling at me. Just to get back at Ashley, I let a smile dance on my lips. She looked at me with disgust before removing her hand from his shoulder.

Haha, I thought. She was definitely the jealous type.

After lunch was over, it was time for our final lesson. Ashley, Liam, and I walked to the class together. Making our way to our seats, Mrs. Ryan was getting ready to start the lesson for today, before I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pulled it out and checked who it's from.

HottieNextDoor: Guess what Brooke.

Trying not to get caught by Mrs. Ryan, I quickly replied.

Me: What?

I reply holding my phone in my hand just in case Justin answered back quickly. As my phone goes off I look down to see the message, but before I could read it, a very familiar voice catches my attention.

"Mrs. Ryan, what's your policy on cell phones in this class?" Ashley asks, smirking at me.

"They are absolutely prohibited," she says sternly, unloosing the class for any electronic devices.

Trying to hurry up and slip my phone in my pocket, Mrs. Ryan makes her way over to my desk.

"Hand it over young lady. You'll be able to receive it once the lesson is over," Mrs. Ryan says with her hand held out. Doing as told, I placed my phone in her hand.

That stupid little bitch

I thought to myself. I have a very strong feeling that this girl and I aren't going to get a long at all.

"Not cool. At all Ashley. In my opinion, that was a pretty bitchy move," Liam says turning is back to Ashley. I looked at her with a smirk.

Brooke one, Ashley none.

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