The Interview

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"So today, we have a very special guest joining us on this fine night. As you all know, this is the premiere of Celebs Weekly, so of course we wanted to have the best of the best start the show. Now, the guest we are about to bring out has been in the game since he was a teenager. He's learned to rack up fans with his unbearable charm, and his outstanding musical talents. Not only does he play guitar and piano, he also plays the drums and the trumpet, let's not forget about those amazing vocal cords. Everybody give a big round of applause for Justin Bieber."

I watched as the crowd jumped to their feet to give a warm welcome to Justin.

"Wish me luck," Justin spoke.

"Good luck." I responded. Justin smiled big and wrapped his arms around me before walking from backstage.

I sat in the chair and watched Justin from the TV that was back here.

Justin walked onto the stage and over to Jackie, firmly shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Justin Bieber."

"It's nice to meet you too Jackie, just Justin is fine by the way." Justin replied, before he took a seat.

"We are very glad to have you here with us today. I'm glad you agreed to join us."

Like he had a choice.

"I'm glad I could be here as well. When my manager told me I would be the first celebrity on Celebs Weekly, I lost it." Justin chuckled, looking directly at the audience. They all laughed along with Justin, as for Jackie.

You lost it alright.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. Now, let's talk about some gossip. So I recently heard that you might be starting a world tour. Is that true or is that a rumor floating around the internet?" Jackie questioned, folding her leg over her knee.

"Well, I haven't been informed about a world tour, so I'm going to say it has to probably be a rumor, that is unless my manager forgot to mention it. He's one busy man." Justin added.

"Let's all hope it's true, right guys?" The crowd began to cheer loudly again. Justin nodded his head, allowing a smile to form on his face. "So I'm not sure if it was last week or the week before, but word got out about you and model Brianna Ash hooking up. We know she's a beautiful girl and all, but didn't you recently get out of a relationship before you start "hooking up" with her? Your ex girl friend..." She trailed on, looking down at the papers in her hand. "Celinèa Cortez?" Jackie questioned.

Justin lifted his arm above his head and held the back of his neck, showing his full set of purly whites, Justin sucked air through his teeth with an unsure expression. "Celinèa and I were a thing, for a very long time, I'm not going to deny it, but our relationship was toxic. I was hurt about our break up. She was also under a lot of stress because she couldn't deal with the fame that came with being in a relationship with me, so we called things off. I grieved, and I was upset, but it was time for me to move on. Brianna and I only hooked up, nothing more than that. We aren't together, nor will we ever be." Justin ended. I shifted in my chair at the sound of his words.

"So what I'm hearing is that you broke up with Celinèa and now your hooking up with a bunch of randoms instead of working on a real relationship?" Jackie asked indignantly.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her tone and looked at Justin.

"Randoms? I've only ever hooked up with Brianna." Justin immediately reassured.

"So how do you define these pictures that we have? We've seen you with this girl on multiple occasions. Leaving your hotel, going to the studio, even going to the store. Who is she if she isn't some random?" Jackie interrogated, pressing a little remote that turned on the big screen, revealing pictures of Justin and I.

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