The Old Prune

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"So, why did you chose me to be your partner? What happen to the fact that I was a nerd," I ask Liam. He was at my house and we were stopping for a quick break from our Avon Theater project.

"I just didn't want Bieber talking to you. I knew he'd listen to me when I told him not to talk to you," he says, cocking his head slightly to the side. "Friendship doesn't matter to him. What he truly cares about is his reputation; not you Brooklynn."

Thoughts raced throughout my mind. Liam was right, Justin didn't care about our future as friends, what he truly cared about was what people thought of him. He didn't care about me.

"So, about the project," I began, trying my best to forget about Justin and focus on the project. "I guess we can research together and maybe get this thing done sooner than Thursday. I wouldn't want to take up your time. After all, you're probably busy with football and what not."

"Actually, the football season is over, and I'm not busy with anything at all, so you "taking up my time," isn't really a problem," Liam smiled, scooting his chair closer to me. I just flashed a crooked smile, and continued researching.

"I guess that's great," I respond, mentally scoffing. The last thing I wanted was to do, was spend four days with Liam in my house, working on this project.

"Yeah," Liam murmured.

"Brooklynn, come down here please, your Uncle and I have to talk to you about something," Aunt Kelly yelled up the staircase.

"Yeah sure, I'll be right down," I hollered back. "Liam, I'll be right back. Just keep on looking things up for the paper, and we can start working on it today." I told him, before getting out my chair and making my way down stairs to see what my Aunt and Uncle wanted. As I made my way downstairs and into the family room, Aunt Kelly and Uncle Joey were both sitting on the sofa. They both had their arms folded across their chest, so immediately, I assumed I did something I had no business doing.

"We need you to tell your friend he has to leave. Patrica and Justin invited us to dinner. I need you dressed in something nice because we are going to a high class restaurant. I wouldn't want you under dressed," Aunt Kelly tells me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Uh, OK." Was all I said before making my way back upstairs. I wasn't in the mood to be face to face with Justin. When I reached my room, Liam had already had his stuff packed up and his coat on.

Had he been listening to our conversation?

"Where are you going," I asked simply. I didn't even get time to tell him he had to get ready to leave before he had his stuff all ready to go.

"I have to get going; Family stuff."

"Oh, well, I guess I'll catch you later," I said, walking him downstairs, and out the door.

After Liam had left, I headed back to my room, and into the bathroom. My eyes trailed around the bathroom before they finally latched to the mirror. I stared at myself and started thinking. Everything has changed since I've been in Canada. I'm not the same person I used to be. The people I once cared about, had began to slip my mind. Ashton, Emily, and Hana, had vanished from my life in the blink of an eye. My parents had been gone, and I haven't heard from them in forever; I missed them. Blinking my eyes heavily before focusing back on my self, I allowed a huff to escape my lips. It was everything I had been holding in, everything I locked away, and before I knew it, there were tears rolling down my face. The tears stung my eyes, it burned.

Is this how it feels to let go? I questioned myself. Tears continued to roll down my face, and one tear made its way onto my lips. I could feel a stinging sensation as the salty liquid snuck in between the tiny cuts that were on my lips. Quickly wiping my face dry from any signs of crying, I stripped off my clothes, and stepped into the shower. It was warm, refreshing, something I've always loved. Showers could wash away anything you had been holding on to, anything you hid from the world. I allowed myself to let loose, to cry and let everything go. I needed to be who I was, not the girl I've become. Canada had changed me, it made me see that people will do almost anything to be who you want them to be, not who they are. Justin and I had a messed up friendship, yet I felt closer to him than I did with anyone from New York. It was crazy, It shocked me to know that I felt so close to him. Blocking my thoughts from my mind, I washed myself clean, and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. As I walked back in my room, I grabbed the outfit that I had decided to wear. The outfit that I picked out was pretty simple, yet classy, and very formal. It was a rose pink, strapless, laced dress that fell slightly before my knees. I added a plain silver belt around the waist area, adding a white clutch to complete the outfit. As I dressed myself for the dinner, I couldn't help but think about Justin, what would he think of the way I dressed? Had he let popularity get the best of him? Did he care about me anymore? I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him.

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