"It's Not a Date"

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"I'm sorry, I know you were really happy to come here and I'm sorry it was cut short," I replied, conversing with Emily, not once acknowledging the fact that Ashton was in the car. We were on our way to the airport. Emily and I were both talking about how much it sucked that she had to leave early. Although I wanted her to stay, aunt Kelly said it would be totally unfair if Ashton had to leave and Emily got to stay. So she came to the conclusion that If Ashton was going to leave, so was Emily. It sucked, but I wouldn't be able to deal with another four days around Ashton without committing murder.

"To bad some people have to ruin it for everybody," I grunted, finally directing my attention to Ashton for the first time.

"If you have something to say, say it to my face instead of trying to say it under your breath," Ashton responded, projecting a tone of pure aggravation.

If I had to be serious, I didn't care that he was aggravated. He had no reason to be spying on my conversation, let alone getting me yelled at over something as pointless as that stupid kiss we shared. Right about now, I was starting to regret it. All of it.

"Anyways like I was saying Emily, you can maybe come again next time; alone,"

"You're such a bitch Brooklynn. Has anyone ever told you that before?"

"Ashton, Watch what you are saying ok, you both need to calm down, you are friends. Act like it," Aunt Kelly says, sternly looking at us through the rear view mirror.

"I'm sorry Kelly, it's just I'm so mad right now and SHE, isn't making it any better," Ashton replies, glancing back at her through the mirror. If I could, I would probably punch him in the face.

"It's understandable, but you need to stop and work this out. You've been friends for too long to allow a silly argument like this, come in between the two of you," aunt Kelly says.

She was right, but I'm not apologizing until Ashton does. Call me childish, but I don't care. It was uncalled for, for him to call me a slut right in front of my aunt and uncle.

"Exactly, you too need to stop being childish and work this out," Emily says, making it clear that she agreed with aunt Kelly.

"I'm not apologizing until Ashton says sorry for calling me a slut." I replied simply.

"Well, I wouldn't have called you one if you weren't one. You're slut who has sex with her neighbor then invited a friend to come and kisses him, pretending like nothing ever happened between you and Justin," Ashton spills.

"Actually, Justin and I never had sex he fell asleep in my room and we slept in my bed, and if you really wanted to know, you were the one to kiss me!"

The car became quiet after my last remark. Ashton didn't even hear the full story, yet he had the audacity to accuse me for something I didn't do.

Some friend you are. I thought to myself.

The rest of the ride to the airport was quiet. After we had arrived at our destination, I said my goodbyes to Emily, excluding Ashton.

"I'm going to miss you so much Brooke. Text me everyday," Emily says, smiling at me.

"I'll make sure to text you everyday," I responded, wrapping my arms tightly around her petite body frame.

"Flight from Canada to New York is getting ready to take off. Please grab your luggage and make your way to the plane. Thank you," the female flight attendant spoke loudly through the intercoms.

"That's you," I huffed, wrapping my arms back around her body.

"Bye Brooke, I'll miss you," Em replied, trying to make it unknown that she had tears forming in the brim of her eyes. Emily and Ashton both made their way to the entrance. Leaving Emily behind, Ashton went threw the doors, while Em stopped to wave goodbye. I waved back, and before I had a chance to blink, her body had already disappeared into the crowd of people.

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