"You Ditched Me."

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"Brooke, I really hope I'm not walking into a trap by attending," Justin groaned, waving goodbye to his mother. She'd been nice enough to drop us both off at Stratford Central Secondary School about thirty minutes before classes started.

"You've got nothing to worry about Justin," I reassured him. "Trust me." I smile, remembering back when I needed Justin's trust for my first day of school. Justin took a deep breath, shutting his eyes for a second before pecking me on the cheek.

"All right sweetheart. I guess we better start figuring this thing out." I nodded and adjusted my backpack before leading him toward the main building. I smiled at him in amusement as he began looking for his classes. He claimed he didn't want any help and that I should step back and allow him to handle it. Luckily according to his schedule, we had two classes together. A musical improv class, and English. Oh and of course lunch.

"It's your fault for being so smart." Justin scoffed, leaning against the brick wall, I folded my arms in front of my chest and glared at him playfully.

"Actually, it's your fault for being so dumb," I sassed. Justin had decided he was going to give up looking for his classes, so I gave it a try and found all of them in no time. Justin was momentarily upset with me for finding them so quickly. He rolled his eyes and nudge me in the side before hugging me for no apparent reason.

"Feeling happy today?" I questioned. Justin never just gave me a hug for no reason, he must've been feeling happy.

"I just feel like I owe you so much," he says, grinning widely. "You've been so nice to me for the last few weeks and I'm starting to feel--"

"Justin?" Someone calls out interrupting Justin sentence. We turn to see Liam and his pack of football jocks following close behind. They all begin walking to us. I groan and rolled my eyes in annoyance. I had forgot the fact that Justin did go here before. Great, they know each other.

"Liam? Long time no see, eh?" Justin greeted him with some sort of man hug. I rolled my eyes in aggeravation because Liam was acting like he didn't talk bad about Justin. Justin begin greeting some of the other boys who were probably familiar with him as well.

"And who do we have here?" Liam snickered, motioning towards me. I kept my eyes towards the ground and hoped he'd get distracted by something else.

"Ms. Brooklynn from New York," he mocked. I looked up at him and met his dark brown orbs. His hair flowed perfectly on one side and his lips were formed into a sneaky grin. What a creep. He was mildly cute though. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath in.

" I suggest you don't interfere with my schedule today. Liam," I snap. He only laughed and took a step closer.

"You're kind of hard not to mess with. Babe," I growled before nudging him forcefully and rejoining Justin. He had been busy, talking with the football jocks.

"You alright?" Justin asked, placing a hand on the small of my back. I just gave him a toothless smile and nod. He studies my face expression carefully before we are interrupted by a Liam again.

"I just find it so funny how you two know each other. I didn't know you hung out with the nerds, Justin," Liam snickered. Justin instantly cleared his throat and took a step away from me.

"Uh, of course not," he murmured, walking toward Liam.

"Good, I didn't think so," Liam snapped, flashing a devious grin towards me. I swallowed hardly and lowered my head in embarrassment. "Lets go guys."

I watched as Justin walked away without a single glance of sympathy or the slightest bit of an apology. I stood there with my mouth agape for a few seconds before Sasha rushed over to me. She was a girl in my health class, but we never really talked. I guess she wanted to talk today.

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