"Let's Go."

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"Why do they do that? Why do they hound you and ask you all of those questions?"

"It's their job. There is something that everyone does for a job, stalking and taking pictures of celebrities is something that they do." He responded.

"Were you ever going to mention this young lady to your beliebers Justin?" A woman shouted. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. Justin saw me and immediately threw his had around my waist.

"Just ignore them," Justin whispered.

I nodded my head and kept my head down, trying my hardest not to have my face fully in the cameras shot, even though I knew they had already snapped numerous pictures of me.

"Kenny is my private jet ready?" Justin questioned as we continued to walk.

"Scooter texted me and told me that it was going to be running a little bit late. No longer than ten minutes Justin," Kenny added. Justin simply nodded his head and kept straight.

While we walked a little girl ran up to Justin and tugged on his shirt, she was really small, she couldn't be older than five years old.

"You're Justin Bieber?" She spoke in a sweet baby voice. Justin looked down and her and slouched to his knees.

"I am sweetie and what might your name be?" He questioned, grabbing a hold of her and sitting her on his lap.

"Me? I'm Callie, Callie Marie. And you're Justin Drew Bieber." She giggled. She still hadn't development a mature voice, so all of her words sounded very slurred and hard to understand at first.

I smiled at her and slouched down to be eye level with her and Justin.

"Callie Marie? That's so beautiful. Just like you darling." Justin chuckled.

She giggled lightly and buried her head in Justin's chest.

"Callie? Where's your mommy sweetheart?" I aske.

"Mommy? Well she is over there. With my sissy and bubbie. They love you Justin. My sissy always says she wants to kiss you, but I tell her that's yucky and only mommy's and daddy's are supposed to do that," Callie responded, smiling big.

"You got that right." I replied.

"Sweetie, you should go back over there with your mommy. She's going to be worried. We wouldn't want that right?"

"Right." She replied, nodding her head. Justin and I looked at her as she hopped off of Justin's lap and onto the floor.

"Now, I want you to stay by your mommy okay?" Justin asked.

"Okay Justin," she replied. Justin and I both smiled as she walked away. Before she made her way over to her mom, she turned around and waved one last time.

"Bye Justin, bye miss," Callie smiled, as she ran toward a young woman. Justin and I stood up and continued to walk to our destination, being sure to keep our heads down.

"Oh my gosh it's Justin Bieber," a girl yelled, I turned to see her pointing directly at us as everyone's head turned to us and their facial expressions were all shocked.

"Run," Kenny and Justin replied in sync.

"Why are we running?" I questioned, trying my hardest to keep up with their speed. Justin never let go of my hand, and it was almost like he was dragging me along.

"If we don't run, we'll get mobbed. We don't want that Brooke." Justin shouted.

I nodded my head, not like he could see me, but I nodded my head and continued to run. We had made our way to the landing strip and didn't have to run anymore because barricades had been put up.

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