"Smart Ass."

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"You said it's Brooklynn, people call you Brooke. I'm calling you Brooklynn, Because that's your name," He mocked, folding his arms firmly across his toned chest.

"Has anyone told you you're such a smart-ass." I announce shifting my body weight to my right leg.

"I've been told once or twice." He responded, clearly trying be sarcastic.

"Smart-ass," I scoff, Justin just looked at me and chuckled

"Well anyways, It's a pleasure to meet you, Brooklynn."

Giving him a stern look, I flashed a cheesy grin.

Interrupted from the tension in the room, Pattie enters.

"Well, I see you guys are having a pretty great conversation."

"The greatest!" I replied sarcastically, resting my hand on my hip.

"So, where'd you move from?" Pattie asked, motioning Justin and I to follow her into the family room.

"I actually came here from New York. I lived there with my mom and dad but they're always gone because they travel for work, so my aunt and uncle insisted on making me move here. Something about them not wanting me to have to continue raising myself. Whatever that's suppose to mean."

"Ahh, we got ourselves a city gal," Justin chuckled sarcastically. "No wonder why you're so rude."

"Justin!" Pattie spat, clearing her throat.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well I either figured you were on your period, or you're just normally stuckup. I guess it's because you're from the City. Everyone from the city acts bitchy. Like they have a dick shoved up their ass or something. If you ask me, I've never liked people from the city."

Both Pattie and I looked at him in utter shock.

"That is no way to talk to our guest Justin!" Pattie spoke. Clearly trying to sound intimidating, but her small voice barely got the point across.

"Mom! Isn't it you that told me to always be honest?" He replied.

"Yes, but not like that."

"So you wanted me to lie?"

"No Justin! I want you to tell the truth. You don't really have to be smart ass about it though," Pattie murmured. My eyes widen because of her choice of words.

"So you want me to sugarcoat it?" Justin replied cockily.

Pattie just stood there searching for the right words to use in response of his childishness remarks.

Disturbing the quiet that accumulated through out the house, I cleared my throat.

"Well um, thanks for inviting me in. I hope you enjoy dinner, But I should be leaving now." I replied, walking myself to the door. Justin was also tagging along close behind.

"It was nice to meet you Brooklynn, Stop by anytime!"

"Bye Justin, or should I just call you smart ass." I ask, squinting my eyes at him.

"I like smart ass better." He replied, opening the door for me. I stepped out the door and turned around to see Justin smirking at me. I rolled my eyes before walking away from the door.

"Gosh he's such a douche. Why does all the cute guys always end up being somewhat overly confident, or cocky? Is it that hard to be sweet to a girl nowadays?" I whisper under my breath, I had already made it back home.

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