Nothing More

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I kept quiet as the car became silent again.

"I have a feeling you're ignoring me? Is that so, or are you just being a stubborn teenage girl, if so, I have something for that." He said looking at me.

Keeping quiet, he proceeded with his actions.

"Ok, well you asked for it." He giggled pressing the button on the radio. Cranking the radio to it's max while a hardcore rock song played in the background. I put my fingers in my ears trying to block the noise out. That didn't work.

"Okay! Okay!" I whine, cranking the volume of the radio down.

"I guess I accept your apology. But that doesn't excluded your dicky behavior yesterday." I said looking at him.

He gave me a small smirk.

"I'm sorry for my dicky behavior. I'll be sure to keep my dickiness to myself." He said giggling.

"Good." I say facing the passenger side window again.

"SOO, uh, how are you liking Stratford?" He ask, making a sharp turn at the now green light.

"I don't like it that much. I mean it's way different from the city. It just seems so quiet here. So... I don't know. It's just different. Back home I'm used to getting woken up by car horns, or loud New Yorkers. It's just quiet here." I say facing forward.

"Well, I mean you haven't even been here a full day yet? How do you know you don't like it? You haven't even seen anything." He speaks. Clearly defending his hometown.

"Yeah, I know but it's so different." I respond. Quickly looking at him then turning my head back to the windshield.

"Well, sometimes different is a good thing. You and I should go on an adventure sometime. I could show you around Canada, we can have a little fun. What do you say about that?" He ask. Pulling into the Market's parking lot.

"Uh, I don't know. I don't really know all to much about you." I say unloosening my stability.

"In all do respect, I don't know you either. I'm willing to give it a try if you do." He smiles.

"Well I guess I could try. I mean what could be worst?" I shrug, opening my car door and stepping out.

Justin did the same, making his way over to me. "Catching you starring at me from your window while I change into my boxers." He says laughing.

Stopping in my tracks, I widened my eyes, realizing Justin knew I was looking at him last night.

"Uh, haha." Letting out a nervous giggle, I continued to walk, catching back up with Justin.

"It's fine ya know?" He laughed waiting for the automatic doors to open.

"Uh, sorry. Your light caught my attention and I wanted to see who's room it was. That's when I seen your body and you combing your hair. I had no idea you were just gonna drop the towel off your body." Clearly blushing now.

"Its ok Brooklynn." He smiles.
Causing me to smile in return.

Gosh, he's really cute.

If I must say, Justin isn't that bad. I mean yea, in the beginning he was a complete jerk, but our car conversations got pretty deep.

As we entered the Market, Justin and I walked around trying to find items for dinner.

"So what are you making me for dinner, I'm a big guy, and I like to eat, so make sure it's a big meal."

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