"You'll See."

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"So tell me how you enjoy Canada, and tell me why you decided to move here," Keith says, as we walked around this breath taking park.

"I've actually really start liking it here. Me being a city girl in all, I've never really been around a place like this. It's like, here in Canada, I don't have to strive to be something I'm not. In New York you have to make sure you have the newest everything. clothing, electronics, shoes, and more, but here, I can be myself. The reason I moved here, well actually, I wouldn't say I moved here, because I was actually forced against my will. You see, I lived in New York with my parents, but they hadn't been around, so my aunt and uncle thought it would be a good idea to make me move here with them. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of happy they did. Even though I miss my mom and dad like crazy, and oh my gosh I am so sorry if I'm talking your ear off. It's just, I haven't been able to express myself like this to anyone in the longest of time, and now I'm shutting up," I blushed with embarrassment, realizing I was talking way so much.

"Sweetie, it's absolutely fine. I haven't had a real conversation with anyone in a long either. I'm glad you're talking, rather than being all shy and closed off," Keith admitted.

"Good, because I like talking," I joked.

Keith chuckled, and continued to ask me questions.

"So, you said you were forced to come here, and you miss your parents, well, where are they?"

"You see, my mom and dad are real estate agents, so they're always traveling to try to find a house to sell, so I rarely get to see them," I expressed being truthful.

"Well, why didn't they take you with them? I mean, I would never leave my teenage daughter in New York by herself."

"My daddy didn't want me missing so much school, or getting in the way of his work, so we came to the conclusion that I would remain in New York and go to school until it was over, and until he and mom came back. Now that I say it out loud and actually think about it, it was a pretty dumb idea," I must've sounded so stupid trying to practically explain the obvious fact that my parents cared about pleasing the people at their jobs, rather than providing for me or attending my life.

"I would never leave a girl like you. You're too amazing. Plus, I don't think a pretty girl like you should be alone," Keith confessed.

"Why do you say that?" I questioned stopping in my tracks.

Because, you're a beautiful girl Brooke, and I'm sure all of these guys out here are waiting to snatch you up," Keith said, gripping my hand and locking his fingers into mine. I just looked down and smiled.

"Keith, it's getting really late, and I'm sure my aunt and uncle are probably going to throw a fit because I'm out so late with the boy. You know how grown-ups are. Instantly thinking the worst thing possible," I groan, gripping his hand tighter.

"I completely understand. I guess it is pretty late. I wouldn't want you getting into any trouble or anything. I guess I just lost track of time, being around such a beautiful girl like you does that to me," Keith smiled.

"You're so cheesy, has anyone ever told you that before?" I giggled.

"Actually, you're the first one that's ever mentioned it," Keith chuckled, turning around as we made our way back to his car.

"Well, I'm pleased that I am the first one to point it out," I laughed. Keith and I both stayed quiet as we made our way to his car. Getting in and buckling ourselves in the seatbelt.

"I'm glad you asked me to hang with you today. I had so much fun. Maybe we can do this again sometime,"

"Yeah, maybe. I'd have to check my schedule to see if I'm available," Keith joked, pulling out of the parking lot.

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