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After Uncle Joey and I had our conversation, we both agreed that I would try to be the best niece I could be. He apologized for slapping me, but if I had to be completely honest, I really didn't accept it. He shouldn't have slapped me in my face. As I laid back on my bed allowing the thoughts from yesterday to sink in, I remembered that Keith slipped me a piece of paper, unraveling the paper, I read what he wrote on it.

Brooke, when you're done with that jerk Justin, my phone number is (322)-674-2756. Text me whenever cutie. :)

Smiling at the note, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text him. Before texting him, I programmed his name in my phone, Cutie, I put him in as.

Me: Hey, it's Brooke.

Keith responded almost immediately

Cutie: Hey Brooke. I thought you weren't going to text me. Hah.

Me: Oh No, sorry, I got into some trouble for sneaking Justin inside my room so my aunt and uncle thought it would be a good idea for me to hear their infamous lecture.

Cutie: Lol, ok. So what exactly is the deal between the two of you? Are you guys dating?

I looked at the text message and let out a little chuckle, I found it very funny that people thought I; Brooklynn Marie Thomson would date a guy like Justin. He just wasn't my type, yet people assumed we were in a relationship.

Me: We most certainly are not dating, he's just a friend of mine. We both had issues earlier today and we thought it would be a good idea to sneak in my room to avoid the situation from earlier. He accidentally fell asleep in my room, so my aunt and uncle assumed the worst.

Explanation is key. I wanted everyone to know that there was absolutely nothing going on between Justin and I, nor will there ever be.

Cutie: Ah, I get it.

Keith and I continued to talk for the remaining hours of the night, before I dosed off.
"Shit" I whisper under my breath. Suffocating my face with the pillow, I screamed. The sound was muffled, so it wasn't that loud. The alarm clock had just went off and I realized I had school today, or should I address it as hell, because that's what it seemed like to me.

Breaking myself from my morning thoughts, I peeled my limp body off of my bed and found myself in the bathroom. I glanced at myself in the mirror and let out a breath of air. It was Monday, and I wasn't exactly ready for this because I knew Liam, and Ashley would have something to say about the party. The only good thing about today was this is the only day we'd have to go to school. Thanksgiving break started on Tuesday. Making my way into the bathroom, I grabbed the brush on the counter and began running the brush threw my blonde curly locks, I allowed my eyes to close tightly. It wasn't long before I was reminded of all the times I used to crawl into my moms lap and ask her to brush my hair for me. She had a thing with her hands and she could always make someone fall asleep by the way she worked her magic, I used to call it.

'Mommy, how come I have blonde hair, and you and daddy have brown hair? Am I weird because I'm the odd one?' I asked as she ran the brush threw my hair.

I remember asking her that when I was little. Her response was the same every time.

'No, you're not the odd one, it's just the birdies and the bees thought it would be a good idea to make a little girl with blonde hair for us.' She would say before she planted her pink plump lips on my forehead. I really miss my parents.

It hurts to know that they've become so busy that they haven't had time to call.

Removing myself from my inter-conscious I hopped in the shower allowing the steam button to heat up the bathroom. My shower wasn't long, after getting out, I wiped the steam off of the mirror, to get a glance at myself.

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