Could It Really Be?

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"What happened to you saying I would be able to count on you when I needed you? Where were you? Oh wait, let me think, out fucking a girl in your moms car! That's so disgusting," I spat angrily.

Who literally leaves their friend at a party to go bang a girl they met five minutes ago!? I thought to myself

"What happened?," Justin asked, focusing on the dark road ahead as we made our way back to our part of town.

"I got bombarded by Ashley and her drunk - off - his - ass, boyfriend. Which I may say, he brought up something about your uncle!" I spat.

Justin broke his gaze from the road and locked his eyes on mine.

"What did he say about my uncle?" He says lightly breathing in heavier.

"It's really not important right now! What is important is the fact that you left me, your friend, to go and fuck a girl in your mom's car," I say looking at him. His face just stayed straight as he blank occasionally.

"Fine, don't answer me back." I say looking out the passage window.

The rest of the ride was pure silent. The tension in the car was thick enough to suffocate. When the ride had came to an end, Justin and I went our separate ways without speaking a word to each other.

I made my way inside the house, and on my way to my room, I notice my aunt and uncle laying on the couch together, most likely waiting for my arrival. I looked at them and cheesed a huge smile before picking the comforter off the floor and covering them up with it.

I made myself upstairs and went inside my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

Ugh. I miss New York. I miss my friends! I miss my mom and my dad. I just wanna go back to the life I had before I came here to Canada. I thought looking at my reflection. Stripping from my party outfit, study outfit if Aunt Kelly wanted to know, and got inside the shower, closing the shower door behind me.

The only thing that made its way to my thoughts was what Liam said to me about Justin's uncle.

Could it really be?

Ignoring the thought momentarily, I scrubbed my day make up off, watching as the now black mascara turned the water from a crystal clear color, to a greyish color. Grabbing my pink sponge wash the dirt that snuck it's way under my pours. Washing all the Sweet Pea and Violet body wash off me, I stepped out of the shower and put my wet hair in a ponytail, throwing my pyjamas on and sliding my favorite sweatshirt, the 'Paris' one. As I made my way back into my room, I sat at the desk where an Apple MacBook sat. Opening up the search engine, Google, I typed in the U.C.K.S.

Clicking on the first link that popped up.

U.C.K.S. Also known as the Undercover Children Kidnapping services, was caught in action while trying to sell a baby girl by the name of Andréa Underwood. The young girl was only 3 years old when she was kidnapped from her Canadian home on November 24, 2013.

Pausing from reading the article, I picked my iPhone off the desk and looked at the date that spread across my screen. November 24, 2014 it read.

"That was exactly a year ago," I whispered under my breath. Pushing the thought from my mind, I continued reading the article.

'She was gone from her home a full week before the a police officer found a vehicle with the license plates of HuDe372, which matched the description Andréa's mom gave our police officers. We found that that vehicle was assigned to a man known as Robert Bieber. We brought him into custody and learned he was the founder of this horrifying crime. As we questioned Robert, we found all together, fifteen girls ages 3-7, was kidnapped and sold illegally by Mr. Bieber and the rest of the members of the U.C.K.S. As police officers searched for the fifteen missing girls, they were only able to actually locate five of the missing girls. They were examined by police officers and then they were able to reunite with their families.

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