Sneaking Him In

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"Maybe she did it for the better, I mean from what you told me, I understand her completely. Imagine being a 17/18 year old girl with a baby and your boyfriend leaving you because he can't do it anymore. Then find out he ended up getting another girl pregnant and he's taking care of her kids, but not yours. If it was me, I would've probably done the same exact thing. Put yourself in her shoes," I say looking at him with pure sympathy. I would feel completely crushed if I was in his situation.

Him and I had been sitting at Balzac's Coffee Roastery for about two hours now. Both of us dreading the idea that we soon would have to leave because closing time was soon. We both didn't want to go back to our homes.

"I understand what you are saying, but Brooke, I've begged my mother for sibling and to find out I've had them for five years, without knowing, hurts me inside. When they meet me, what am I suppose to tell them? Hey I'm your big brother, you probably had no idea I existed and this is the first time I've heard of you," he says sarcastically slowly shaking his head in disbelief.

"I know you are sad, but think of it this way, he left your struggling 18 year old mother, abandoned you, and went to knock up another girl. It took him five years after the twins were born to apologize. You're 18 right? It took him 17 years to apologize to her. I'd ignore him too. You shouldn't be mad at your mom, but at your dad,"I sympathize, trying my best to lighten the mood.

Justin just looked at me, allowing my words to sink into his brain.

"Hey Brooke, I know you are having a conversation with Justin, but we are closing," Keith says, grabbing my empty cup, and placing a little piece of paper on the table.

I just look at him with a big smile, grabbing the paper and putting it in my pocket.

"Ok, thanks," I say, lowering my head in embarrassment.

"I guess we can leave now," Justin says getting out of his chair and walking to the exit.

I give Keith a big smile before following in Justin's footsteps. Him and I both walked home together, occasionally talking about how much we dreaded going back to our hell holes.

"So I'm coming over to your house because I don't think I can face my mom right now. I just need some time to think. Time to get my mind straight," Justin says as we made our way back into our neighborhood.

"Justin, you already know if you come over, my aunt and uncle are going to have a cow; Literally." Little did he know how much I was being serious.

"Please, I really don't want to go back in my house right now, just for a couple of hours. I'll be out before morning. Please?" He asks poking out is bottom lip.

Looking at him and his cute face expression, I had no choice but to accept.

"Fine, but if I get into trouble, it's all on your ass," I say making my way to my front door.

"Don't you think it'll be a better idea for us to climb up your window instead of going inside through the front door? I mean it's pretty late plus, I'm sure you don't want to hear shit about what happened earlier," Justin says looking at me like his idea was the most obvious thing in the world.

Flickering my eyes back and forth as I contemplated the idea of me climbing a tree to get into my room. Justin must've been crazy to think of this idea, but I guess he's right, I wouldn't wanna hear any crap about what happened earlier.

"Don't worry, I will catch you if you fall," he says giving me a sharp wink.

"Yo ass better catch me if I fall, I joke as I began climbing the tree. Justin's hands rested on my hips as he guided me up the tree.

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