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"Momma?" You wheeze, tears start to stream down your cheeks.

"I'm okay sweetie, just a bit sore..." She gasps.

You manage to reach out and grasp her hand weakly, the pain searing through your leg is getting harder to ignore, alongside the excruciating tightness in your chest. Arizona picks up on the slight grimace you pull.

"It's okay Grace, Callie will do a full work up." Arizona exclaims.

"It's hurting so much Arizona..." You pant, talking is using up so much of your breath.

"Try not to talk Grace, you need to save your energy." Arizona retorts, she's comforting you whilst Derek takes Timothy. Meredith is barely holding on, she is lying next to you holding your hand, her eyes flickering open every now and again. 

Morale is low, everyone is miserable. You've all been trapped for over 6 hours, with no sign of anyone coming to rescue you. Both you and Meredith are holding on, but in a few hours, there's nothing anybody will be able to do, your injuries are extensive and major and the extent of damage to Meredith is unknown. You need to be in an OR, being treated by the very best surgeons. 

Arizona is trying to reassure you, she checks your incision and tries to keep it as clean as possible. 

She starts to nod off, jumping every time something makes a noise. You can tell she's exhausted, she doesn't want to lose you, but keeping you alive is exhausting her. It's taking all of her being, to not completely break down in front of you, to tell you that your odds are almost zero, that if help doesn't come soon, it will be too late. That she might lose the love of her life, the woman who turns her world, who she has a beautiful baby with, who she refuses to raise alone, because you're not dying, this isn't the end, this isn't how it's supposed to go. 

"Baby..." You mumble.

Arizona sits up quickly, wiping the tears from her cheeks and giving you her famous smile. 

"Sleep, you need to sleep..." You start wheezing painfully.

"And miss search and rescue coming to find us?! Come on Grace, I'm fine! Plus I need to keep an eye on you!" Arizona laughs, even though the situation is nothing to smile about, she wants you to see she's fine, but you know her too well, and can see straight past it. 

Your Dad is treating your Mom's wounds the best he can, he has few medical supplies accessible to him, he tries his best. She doesn't have much fight left in her, neither does Derek. The love of his life is fading away right in front of him, 

You can hear her moaning in pain, Derek shouting in frustration, the screams of your baby, the sobs of Arizona, and a constant ringing. A ringing in your ears that wont go away, making you feel drowsy.

Suddenly, some more of the ceiling gives way, causing some of the supportive beams come crashing down along with them. You all flinch, feeling the building creak and groan under the strain. Arizona tries to reach you before the debris falls, she holds Timothy close, but doesn't manage to quite reach you. You are caked in dust and glass. You start heaving, your chest giving out, your heart physically can't take anymore. 

"GRACE?!" Arizona screams.

"I'm *coughing fit* okay, it's just glass I think..." You gasp.

Arizona scuffles across the floor and reaches you head, Timothy is safely tucked into Arizona's scrubs and has been sheltered from the wreckage. She wipes the dust off of your face and brushes the glass off of you. Blood drips down onto your cheek, you shakily try to wipe it with your hand, when you notice.

Arizona has a huge gash on her head, blood seeps out, dripping over the floor. 

"Arizona, your, your bleeding?!" You wheeze, you try to move but Arizona stops you.

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