Chapter 1

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Amari blinked as the blinding light faded away.  

He looked around seeing he was chained, and around him looked like a garage with junk all over the floor, it looks like this room was made just for him, he'd probably have to stay here for awhile.  

'Hm, junk everywhere, bed, dirt on the walls, tools on the ground, chains on my arms, seems normal.'

He looked back down to his chained arms.  

'Hmm, i have something for this i'm sure...'

Amari reached into the closest pocket, the only he could reach, and grabbed a small mechanical saw with a button that would allow it to move and spin.  

He held the saw to the chain and pressed the button, breaking the chain and cuffs on his hands.  

'There!  Boom and done!  Chains off and......'

Amari's thoughts trailed off as he looked around the room and noticed a iron door covered in oil.  

He pushed it a open and saw a room with stone patterned walls and a stone floor.  A throne and similar designed bed, a crown case, and a few photos on the floor, it was an extremely clean room.  

The short boy in the room, who he knew as 'Whatever-Boy', was chained by his arms to but tied behind his back.  

Amari- "You ok over there?  I can help you!"

The  shorter boy shook his head.

???- "I'm not ok, i'm quite.... stuck."

The short boy struggled against the chains.

Amari- "Here!"

Amari got out the small saw and cut the other's chains off.  

Amari smiled at the boy he just helped and held his hand out as he stood up.  

Whatever-Boy mumbled something making Amari cock his head to the side in curiosity.

Amari- "What was that?"

Naoki- "Yasuda Naoki, Ultimate Prince."

Amari smiled, happy to know finally know the short boys name

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Amari smiled, happy to know finally know the short boys name.  

Amari- "Amari Dai, Ultimate Inventor!"

Naoki- "Good to know."

Amari reached a hand out to Naoki to help him up.  

Amari- "Come on!  We should leave."

Naoki hesitantly reached out and took Amari's hand.  

Naoki- "What a shame, i liked that roO-"

As he said this Amari interrupted Naoki by smiling wide and pulled the short boy out of the clean room.  


Amari- "Let's go!"

Naoki- "Stop dragging me."

Amari kept dragging Naoki to the cafeteria.  

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