Chapter 3

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Rozumari- "How did you know exactly where this was?"

Amari- "Well, i- uhh- well- i- uhm-"

Amari kept stammering as he tried to avoid the question.  If he answered then they'd-

Naoki- "Leave him alone Rozumari!  He did nothing wrong."

Rozumari- "I just wanted to know how he-"

Naoki- "Nu!  Leave him alone!"

Rozumari- "I just wanted to- "

Naoki- "нет, нет. Go away."

Rozumari- "Alright... but i do want to know."

Amari- "Thank you Yasu."

Naoki- "Aww, I love you too."

Amari- "I-i-i uhm- uh- i didn't- i didn't say *that* exactly."

Naoki- "So... is it not true?"

Amari- "Are you gonna cry if i say it's not?"

Amari looked down at Naoki and noticed the sad pouting expression as he was sniffing slightly.  

'That's adorable!'

Naoki- "What if i say i will?"

Amari- "Well, that depends, will you?"

All Amari got was a sniffle as a response.  

'He's sick... despair disease... he's not himself... but i don't want him to cry at all...'

Amari- "You win, just don't cry ok?"

Naoki  immediately switched moods to an energetic cheerful one and hugged Amari, though he had to hug his waist as was far shorter so he couldn't reach his neck.  

Naoki- "Yaaaaaay!"

Amari- "You're confusing y'know..."

Naoki- "Reall-"

A loud bang and giggle was sounded from the otherside of the nurses office.  

Amari- "The fuck?"

Kiyoi- "Sooooooooooooooorry!"

Amari- "What's going on over there?"

Marcus- "Nothing."

Naoki- "Well *that's* convincing."  

Amari- "Honestly, i rather not question it and see something i don't want to."

Naoki- "What does that mean?"

Amari- "How do you not kn-"

Another loud bang.  

'Ok that's enough...'

Amari walked closer to the sound to reveal Kiyoi with a gun.  

'What the shit?!'

Amari- "Marus you were supposed to stop him from shit like this!"

Tokuma~Well, a sick person couldn't help another sick person.  That's just fact.~

Amari- "So Marcus is sick?  Well fuck... i'll get someone to help."

Amari was about to turn to the door before he noticed Kiyoi's aura suddenly becoming a dark intimidating one, pointing a gun to Amari.  

Kiyoi- "No, Marcus stays with me.  Try and change it and i'll shoot.  Try me, i dare you..."

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now