Chapter 3

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Amari was slowly walking through the hallway to his room, questioning how the hell that trial went down.  

The horrible murder, the murderer, how they voted..... how they won...

It all went by to fast for Amari to think back to but he kept in mind that it was Yasuda who knew the killer and who to vote.  Even in his reaction he didn't seem phased at all.  

'Does he really not care?  Does he really not care about who lives or dies here?  No, Yasu's a good guy and I can trust that!  I know that deep down he really just wants to help, I know i-'

Naoki: "You ok Dai?  I know that murder must have been terrible to look through."

Amari: "Y-Yeah I'm fine.  It's just... it was so brutal."

Naoki: "I bet.  Dai, where are you walking?"

Amari: "To our rooms.  Why?"

Naoki: "You just passed it."

Amari: "Oh, I guess I was to caught up in my thoughts, huh."

Yasuda turned around and started walking back to the connected rooms as Amari followed him.  

As they reached the rooms Yasuda went into his own waving a silent goodbye.  

Amari walked into his own room and slumped against the wall as thoughts of the murder flooded his mind and he started crying.  The lights in his room were off making it even more obvious when the door connecting his room to Yasuda's opened.  

Nothing was said but Yasuda sat next to Amari and rested his own head on Amari's shoulder.  Yasuda rubbed Amari's back as the inventor felt the weight of the murder lift off him.  

He felt calmer to some degree, to him it felt kind of nice to have Yasuda there with him.  

Amari shifted his head and rested it on top of Yasuda's, which was resting on Amari's shoulder, and draped an arm over the prince's shoulders.  

Most of this was a quiet thing, well it was before Amari spoke.

Amari: "Y'know Yasu, I really like you.  You're a good person, you just need to show it!"

Amari fought the urge to laugh, even a little, as he felt Yasuda stiffen before regaining his composure and speaking.

Yasuda: "I don't know what you mean."

Amari: "Senmoka thinks you're a bad guy, I don't though, I think you're a really good person deep down.  You just don't show it."

Yasuda let out a small sigh and moved his hand from Amari's back to around his arm.

Amari: "Well, if you show it or not I think you're a really good person and I really like you for it."

Yasuda: "Thank you Dai, I... appreciate it"

Amari let out a small laugh as the two fell quiet again just sitting in Greg same place before slowly drifting off to sleep, somewhat forgetting about the death and killing game.  

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