Chapter 4

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Amari walked away from the trail room slowly.

'That execution, that was horrible. That was-'

Yasuda: "Amari, are you alright?"

Amari: "Yeah, I'm fine, what about you Yasu?"

Yasuda: "I'm fine, though I wish it wasn't Igarashi.  I thought she was quite nice."

Amari: "She did seem very nice, but... I'm sure she got something out of it."

Yasuda: "Let's go.  I'm tired."

Amari: "Ok, I guess we should sleep.  Who knows what happens tomorrow."

Amari took Yasuda's hand and started walking on his way to their dorms.

'I wonder what'll happen tomorrow.  How bad can it be, yeah, tomorrow will be ok!'

Amari looked down to his arm, as he felt a tug on his arm. 

Amari saw Yasuda, who had been the tug on his arm, pointing towards the familiar doors. 

Amari led Yasuda into his, oily, metal-scattered, brown-lighted, room. 

Amari: "Are you going to sleep in your own room tonight, Yasu?"

Yasuda: "I rather stay with you.  It's safer."

Amari smiled at the smaller prince and led Yasuda over to the bed and the two laid down next to each other. 

Amari: "Y'know, I'm sure everyone back home is worrying for everyone here."

Yasuda: "I'm sure of it."

Amari: "I feel sorry for them.  They might not see anyone here again."

Yasuda: "Well, I know you and me are going to survive this.  Whether everyone else survives doesn't matter to me."

Amari: "But-"

Yasuda: "I know I'll survive here, Amari.  You might want to rest."

Amari sighed and closed his eyes. 

'Does he have a plan?  What's he trying to do?  Am I worrying about this to mu-'

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now