Chapter 3

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Amari slowly walked towards Kiyoi, who was still pointing the gun at him, and reached his hand out.  

Amari: "Let's not shoot ok?  Just hand me the gu-"

Instead of handing Amari the gun Kiyoi decided to fire a warning shot at the floor in front of Amari.  This caused Amari to shuffle away from that spot and grab Yasuda's arm, which was next to him.

Amari: "Fine, fine, we'll just leave ok?  We're not gonna get anyone else, we're just leaving, got it?"

Kiyoi nodded but didn't lower the gun in his hand as Amari and Yasuda slowly back out of the room.

'I wonder what his disease is?  And if Marcus caught on looking after him.'

Naoki: "Well I guess we'll just have to find a new place to go then."

Amari had hardly noticed that Yasuda was clinging to his arm, he didn't say anything about it though.

Amari: "You're still sick, so we'll have to find a place you can rest.  I think everyone else has claimed somewhe-"

Amari paused once seeing a quick flash of movement and hearing a quick shuffling around.  

'That can't be good, but I have Yasuda to worry about.  We still need to find a place to rest him.' 

Naoki: "You know you can always just put me back in my room.  That's probably the only place left."

Amari: "Yeah you're probably right."

Amari took notice of Yasuda seeming to cling even tighter to his arm, now wrapping his whole upper body on it.  

'I'll ask Tokuma what's his disease once he's sleep.'

A few minutes of walking, and more shuffling and a few familiar shrieks coming from Charlie, later and the two reached Yasuda's room.  

Amari stuck his arm, that Yasuda had clung to this whole time, in the room and walked in.  

He used his arm that Yasuda tightly gripped to set the prince in his bed.  

Amari: "Can you please go to sleep now, you're sick and we need to find a way to stop this game."

Naoki: "I have a plan."

Amari: "Again, you're sick and I need you to rest."

Naoki: "That's not necessary, I think I'm fi-"  

Amari was about to interrupt Yasuda when a knock at the door beat him to it.  

Igarashi: "Hello.  I just wanted to let you know Amari, everyone who isn't sick will be meeting in the cafeteria once everyone who is sick is resting.  Well being seeing what we can do with the situation and who's with who."

Amari: "Alright!  I'll be there as soon as I can!"

Igarashi nodded before leaving  the room, closing the door behind her.  

Amari turned back from the door to Yasuda who had now let go of Amari's arm had his back facing Amari.  

Amari: "I know you're not sleep, can you please just rest just this onc-"

Yasuda: "Let's play a game."

Yausda had flipped around to face Amari and had a chilling smile on his face.  

Amari: "If it'll get you to rest then fine."

Personally, Amari did *not* like the idea.  But he needed Yasuda to rest somehow and if this'll help that's what he'll do.

Amari: "What game do you want to play, it has to have you staying in that spot though."

Yasuda: "Well that's no fun, I wanted to play hiden'seek."

An idea popped into Amari's head, one he didn't like but knew it would work.  

He jumped up, away from next to Yasuda's bed a hurried to the door.

Amari: "I'll be right back, ok!  Then we can play almost any game you want!"

Amari ran to the cafeteria seeing that Senmoka was indeed there.

Amari: "Senmoka!  Do you have a poison to put someone to sleep?!"

Senmoka: "Depends on who it is."

Amari: "Yasuda's sick so I need to make him rest so can you help?"

Senmoka: "I'll gladly poison the bitch, but I'm guessing you need him only need him sick and not dead."

Amari: "Please don't call him a bitc-"

Senmoka: "Shut up for a second."

Senmoka made her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge.  Amari couldn't tell what she was getting but he saw her heat it up and pour something in it.  A few minutes passed before she walked out with a bowl of soup.

Senmoka: "I've this to him and he'll be sleep soon.  Don't ask."

Amari took the bowl and ran back over to Yasuda's room.

Amari: "I got soup!"

Yasuda jumped at the sudden noise.

Amari: "Can you eat this please?   Then I'll play one of your games, ok!"

Yasuda nodded and took the bowl from Amari, he managed to eat all the soup.  

Amari: "Thanks Yasu!"

Yasuda nodded and reached out, grabbing Amari's arm clinging to it once again.

Amari: "Do you wanna play a game."

Yasuda: "No I want you to stay right here."

Amari nodded as he allowed Yasuda to cling to his arm.  Amari watched Yasuda slowly drift to sleep while tightly holding to Amari's arm, not unlike a koala. 

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