Chapter 1

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Amari was walking by the side of Yasuda, just walking without talking at all.

Yasuda had his arms folded behind his back walking 

Amari heard laughter and looked down the hall with other students in it, before turning back to Yasuda seeing he had disappeared.   

Amari- "Wha-"

Amari shook his head and tried looking around for the small boy.  

After not seeing him he walked to the other students.  

???- "Hey there!"

Amari waved at everyone there.

Amari- "I'm Amari Dai, Ultimate Inventor!" 

Charlie- "I'm Charlie, Ultimate Japanese Mythologist!"

Charlie- "I'm Charlie, Ultimate Japanese Mythologist!"

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Seo- "I'm Sao Takamori, Ultimate Pianist."  

Seo- "You're Amari right?"

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Seo- "You're Amari right?"

Amari- "Yeah!"

Nioi- "I'm Nioi Shaisho, Ultimate Crab-Walker!"

Amari- "That's a talent?"

Nioi- "Yep!"

Charlie- "That's Yasuda, right?"

Amari- "Yeah!  Imma go back to him, see you all soon!"

Amari waved at the students he had met and they waved back.  

Amari- "Heeeeeeey Yasuda!"

Naoki- "Hello Amari."

Yasuda's voice sounded like he knew Amari was coming, but still a little upset about it.

Amari- "What's the maaaaaatter Yasu?" 

Naoki- "Don't call me that.  And nothing's the matter."

Amari- "Ok!"

The two just walked in silence again.  

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now