Chapter 2

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After awhile of looking Amari, who was dragging Yasuda with him, found the movie theater.  

Amari dragged Yasuda in and looked around the dark room.  

Amari- "What'd you wanna watch?"

Naoki- "Well lets see whats there first Amari."

Looking at the posters, that only had things like 'THH' or 'V3' on them.  

'Hm, we should probably look into this it wouldn't be smart to just blindly watch these.  Who knows what those things did to this theater.'

Amari- "Let's watch these Yasu!"

Naoki- "Are you sure?  That's not smart."

'I know...'

Amari- "Really?  Sorry, i'm not really smart myself heh.  I just wanted to watch a movie with you." 

Amari watched as Yasuda blushed a little at his comment, Amari knew full well what he was doing but kept up his oblivious act.  

Naoki- "Well, *ahem* i'm sure it'll be fine."

The two walked into the theater, seeing Kiyoi and Marcus already there and, a movie playing on the screen.  

Amari and Yasuda sat down in sets in the back, not to disturb Kiyoi and Marcus.  

The movie playing was of kids in the same situation as everyone here.  

Then a execution commenced of the Ultimate Gambler.  

'I knew this would go horribly, fuck.'

Amari- "I-i-i didn't think this would happen."

Yasuda sighed and looked up to Amari.  

As the death commenced Kiyoi ran out of the theater in horror with Marcus following him.  

Naoki- "We should leave, only bad things will happen here."

Amari- "Yeah you're right."

The two headed out of the theater as the movie kept playing.  

Amari kept looking to Yasuda and his Violin that he was still carrying.  

'I kinda wanna hear him play it, he's not the ultimate violinist so i wonder if he'll actually do it.'

Amari- "Hey Yasu, can you actually play that?"

Naoki- "Why the hell would i have a violin i can't play?"

Amari- "Heh, sorr-"


Yasuda and Amari, though Amari was just dragging Yasuda, ran towards the sound.  

'God if someone died,'

When the two reached the sound they got a brutal surprise.  


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