Chapter 5

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'The trial... his trial... fuck.'

Senmoka: "So the fucker killed himself, huh?"

Joseph: "It seems it, the bullet wound was on the side of his head and it didn't look like there was a struggle."

Marcus: "Guess the motive got to him." 

Kajo: "A'right so we vote someone's who already dead?"

'No, he wouldn't have done it... he wouldn't do that to himself.'

Senmoka: "You alright over there, Amari?"

Amari: "He wouldn't have done that!  He wouldn't have killed himself!"

Joseph: "No one else could have done it.  Unless you have some sort of evidence that something went on in that room."

Pochikuma~I KNOOOOOW!~

Tokuma~I'll tell them.  We have, well *had* cameras in that room and it so happened to record some audio from that room.  You may use that~

Amari was handed a pad with Tokuma's face and a play button. 

Amari looked around the room before he pressed the button. 


-hand me the gun.

A sound that Amari recognized, Yasuda's voice.

-I-I can't d-do that.  I c-cant let you go through with thi-
-Why not?
-I don't know what you're trying to do, but I can't let you do what you want.
-Listen Kiyoi, I'd consider us friends, so give me the damn gun or so help me I'll end up killing someone else.


Amari looked up from the audio and to Kiyoi, who looked purely terrified.

-I c-ca-can't let you do this!
-I don't give a shit!  I have a plan and if I have to do something horrible to do this plan then I will!
-What are you going to do?!

A sharp sound of the metal chair found in the room grading against the floor.

-We both know what I will or can do.
-...... Y-yo-you-you w-wouldn't.
-Oh I would.  Believe me, I would.
-...... Fine, j-just whoever you plan to kill th-then just... don't-

Static filled the audio before a scream cut off. 

Marcus: "Kiyoi, you gave him the gun?"

Kiyoi: "I-I-I-I h-had to, he-he would've-"

Marcus: "Shhh, it's alright."

Kajo: "So is that it?  We vote him?"

Joesph: "Yeah I guess that's it.  That proves it, he killed himself."

Pochikuma~Voting tiiiiiiiime!~

'Really... he... did it...'

Amari was forced to vote Yasuda, and papers flew down from the ceiling. 

/Believe me, I would./

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