Chapter 2 Execution

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/Read to bake!/

Moyasu was dragged by the neck by a collar.  

Senmoka reached out only to be too late as Moyasu was yanked away.  

Moyasu was dropped into a warm looking room.  

A giant oven dropped behind her.  

A giant book fell behind her as well.  

It read...


Each Item was crossed off as they were put into a big bowel.  

A huge wooden spoon started stirring ingredients in the bowel.  

Moyasu's screams were still heard as she hadn't died from the stirring.  

Everything in the bowel was poured into a cake pan and put in the oven.  

The oven was turned on but the numbers kept rising and rising.  

Soon the oven started to spew out fire.  

The cake flew out of the flaming oven.  

Soon a huge knife cut the cake to reveal blood pink insides and a note slipping out.  

|Kill for the game... end those in the way|

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