Chapter 4

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Everyone was calming down from their student held vote as the familiar robotic sheep shuffled towards them all. 

Tokuma~Hello ultimates, I've watched your vote.  I wanted to start class to help get your mind off your secrets for a bit.  Is that alright?~

A few people shrugged and others nodded but everyone followed when Tokuma waved for them to follow. 

Everyone, in a straight line, followed Tokuma to a small classroom. 

Tokuma~Alright everyone, thank you for joining class today.  Please take a seat.~

Everyone but Senmoka, who decided to sit on her desk instead, followed the directions of Tokuma's soft voice. 

Tokuma~Now, I want to teach you all something valuable.  I wanted to teach you on each other, so regardless of your vote you will *someone* your secret.  I'm sorry for it but I'm doing for your side, so no choosing.  It will all be of chance.~

Anatomy could see the immense regret on everyone's faces as Toluca said that. 


Poor Tokuma was on the bad end of the hell that unleashed.

Goman: "I refuse this!"

Igarashi: "This is cruel!"

Yasuda: "Shit!"

Kiyoi: "Wh-what?!"

Tokuma~Please calm down, and don't worry, I'll be pairing you up myself.~

'This isn't gonna go so great.'

Danganronpa: Peace Is Just As Blind (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now