Chapter 4

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Amari led Yasuda away from the cafeteria and the scene inside.

As he was the two stumbled upon a glittering garden room, with Tokuma inside.

Tokuma~Oh! Hello there, it seems you've found the garden! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here before the motive is announced in a bit!~

Amari nodded and brought Yasuda into the room as Tokuma seemed to disappear.  

Yasuda: "Do you have *any* reason to bring me here?"

Amari: "Yeah, well, kinda... I didn't want to stay in the cafeteria any more..."

Though Amari wasn't looking directly at Yasuda, he saw the princes face soften a little. 

Yasuda: "Well I think we should sit down somewhere, we have a few hours and I have no interest in standing that whole time."

Amari smiled and dragged Yasuda towards a stone bench before sitting down. 

There was a moment of quiet between the two, though both thought it to be a comfortable one. 

Yasuda leaned his head on Amari's shoulder as the two just stared forward at the many plants and few butterflies the garden contained. 

Amari: "I wonder if this is all fake.  I mean, we're all trapped here to kill each other, right."

Yasuda: "You're right, the only real thing here is the people.  Though those seem to go quickly."

Amari looked over to Yasuda and frowned at little.

Amari: "Yeah I guess, I don't want anyone else to die though!  I want everyone here to survive!"

Yasuda lifted his head off Amari's shoulder and pat the side of Amari's face. 

Yasuda: "Oh Amari, that's impossible."

Amari: "But-"


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