Chapter 3

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Joseph: "Alright I say we start with the blood, some is drier than some.  Also, we should talk about the the way the blood splattered."

Amari: "Alright then, what do ya got?"

Joseph: "Well, the blood being dry.  Those people died first.  And blood splatters can tell a lot."

Senmoka: "Well what the fuck did you find?!"

Joseph: "Well it was pretty hard to tell because the room was covered in blood, but I did see that Shin fell from his arm that broke off."

Naoki: "We probably should talk about the bodies."

Amari: "Yeah, but-" 

Naoki: "Charlie was all cut up, Rozumari's head was hanging and everything else was twisted, Nio had her knees ripped out Yuki had a knife in her head and Shin had only one arm left."

Senmoka: "Damn it Yasuda!"

Naoki: "What?"

Yasuda had a bitter tone and was standing as close to Amari as he could while being in his own podium.

Senmoka: "Do you not care?!"

Naoki: "Of course I do!  I get to keep gifts from the dead!"

Amari could hear Yasuda faking a cheerful tone, but he knew he was indeed keeping items from those who died.  

Senmoka: "Holy shit man!  You just don't care about any of this do you!  You don't care about who lives or dies, huh?!"

Apparently Senmoka noticed it as well.  

Naoki: "I care about who lives and dies!  I care if I die of course."


Kiyoi: "We should r-really get back to the case guys."

Amari took note of Kiyoi sounding more cold and angry, but still stuttering.  He racked it up to the disease and it still wearing off.  

Senmoka snarled at Yasuda and slumped back at her podium.  

Amari: "Anyway, the blood... we should pick it up by who's blood least dry."

Joseph: "Good idea."

'Charlie, Nio, Rozumari, Yuki, then Shin... nobody here seems to have done it... but can't be sure,'

Amari: "I was with Yasuda, Igarashi can confirm this, Kiyoi and Marcus were probably still together, Senmoka was in the kitchen, the Umi twins are dead-"

Joseph: "Don't rule them out yet, just because they're dead doesn't mean one of them couldn't have done it."

Senmoka: "Yeah, I'm suspecting Shin right now.  He's the one who still had a arms left-"

Yasuda: "But Yuki only had a stab to the head, Shin had to have been tied up and them jumped off somewhere high."

Senmoka: "You just have to argue with me huh?!"

Yasuda: "Well maybe if you weren't so wrong I couldn't have to."

Senmoka: "FUCK Y-"

Goman: "Calm down you idiots!"

'Igarashi was far to sad at Rozumari's death.  Kiyoi and Marcus were probably still in the nurses office.  Senmoka was with me when we found the bodies.  That leaves Goman, Joseph, Kajo and the Umi twins.  But it probably isn't Joseph and it's to gruesome for Goman to do.  And Kajo's a nice guy i know he wouldn't do this.'

Naoki: "Let's look back at the evidence for a second.  Guessing it was one of the Umi twins, Yuki would have to stab herself in the head."

Amari: "But the blood order doesn't match-"

Naoki: "Exactly.  So if Shin stabbed Yumi, or she stabbed herself, he would probably have to tie his arm to something high and, after cutting off all other limbs, jumped."

Joseph: "Right."

Naoki: "So listen, i say we vote him.  He was the last one left, and nobody here could've done it. You're all to soft about it."

Senmoka: "Not all of us are heartless cruel fuc-"

Amari: "Senmoka and Igarashi helped me discover the body, and both Kiyoi and Marcus where constantly together, Goman wouldn't have done it.  So that leaves Joseph."

That started a small spark between everyone else as Naoki whispered to Amari.

Naoki: "Listen Amari, do you trust me?"

Amari leaned in and whispered back to the smaller ultimate.  

Amari: "Wha-"

Naoki: "Do you trust me?"

Amari: "..... yes"

Naoki: "Then vote Shin, and get them to as well."

Amari: "Fine."

Everyone was still bickering as Amarillo spoke up.

Amari: "I say we do it!"

Senmoka: "Hell no!"

Joseph: "Why?"

Goman: "This could end badly."

Kajo: "Simp."

Igarashi: "Ok then."

Kiyoi: "We're gonna die, this was *his* idea."

Marcus just shrugged and pressed a button. 

Amari silently prayed that this didn't end up in someone dying.

Soon note rained down from the roof.  

/The walls!!! HELP THE WALLS!/

/Hold the gun./


/I'm...... so sorry.../

Pochikuma~I was gonna tell you all to vote for who you wanted dead for this one!  But i think that was more than enough death for you all!~

Tokuma~You were right, Shin killed everyone with the help of Yumi but Yuma did kill herself.  The poor two thought they lost their lovers before this game.  Oh my, look at the time!  You all ought to scurry to bed~

And with the sound of Tokuma's soft voice everyone was dismissed.

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