Chapter 6

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Amari opened his eyes. 

He looked around seeing everyone there, even the ones who died, everyone but Renora, Luna, and Yasuda. 

'Did- did he stay dead?'

The three stepped out from behind a curtain. 

Amari immediately ran up behind Yasuda and hugged him. 

Yasuda: "Dai?  Are you alright, love?"

Amari didn't answer but hugged Yasuda tighter. 

Yasuda sighed and turned around, which was hard to do because of Amari's tight grip, to pat Amari's back. 

Amari looked around once more to see that Senmoka and Moyasu were ecstatic to see each other again, Marcus and Kiyoi were happy to have got out, Goman seemed happy for once alongside Joseph, Kajo looked confused as fuck, Shin and Yuki were apologizing to everyone they killed, Takanori was as always, and Igarashi and Rozumari were talking about the game. 

Amari rested his head on top of Yasuda's. 

An unnoticed door was kicked down, by a person with black, white, and blue hair let down to their shoulders, a Russian accent, and a machine gun. 

???: "This is it!"

A yellow dressed blonde woman rushed in after the black, white, and blue haired person, the same one from Yasuda's photos from the motive.

???: "'Zuko!  You said you wouldn't do that!"

'Zuko': "I lied."

A male with bright pink hair, and a big black jacket and a shotgun rushed in with a pale, brown haired, male, pistol in hand. 

???: "Hell yeah!  Let's do this shit!"

???: "So they are here, hey Igarashi."

Igarashi seemed to know the Brown haired male, and responded. 

Igarashi: "Miona?  What are you doing here?  Are these your friends?"

Miona: "Unfortunately, ye-"

???: "I brought a bulb this time so y'all better hurry up!"

'Zuko': "Don't set it off yet.  That damn dog has my hand and my son, Kaz."

Kaz: "He's over there cuddllin' with the protag, Naka."

Yasuda: "Hello Uncle Kaz, Uncle Miona, Hello Miss Sakura,  Hello Father."

'Zuko': "Son, are you alright?  Did anything happen?  You scared the shit out of me!  I'm so proud of you.  не делай этого больше никогда!  я думал ты умер! Кто это?!"

Every question seemed to mash together. 

Yasuda: "Father, I'm ok.  не волнуйся, ты слишком быстро говоришь."

'Miss Sakura': "We have to go now, 'Zuko.  Let's go, ok."

The adults lead the children out of the dark building one by one, with the exception of Amari who wouldn't let go of Yasuda.







Tokuma~What Pochikuma?!~

Pochikuma~We gotta get to work!  There's mooooooorre!~

Tokuma~Damn it, fine.  Let's get prepared.~

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