Chapter 3

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Amari had been sitting next to a sleeping Yasuda, who had still been clinging to his arm, for quite awhile now.  He didn't really want to move.

He knew that he should be meeting with everyone else who isn't infected but he honestly didn't care to move at the moment.  

A knock came to the door before it creaked open. 

Igarashi: "Oh, I see he fell asleep."

Amari: "Yep."

Igarashi: "Are you going to come to the meeting?"

Amari: "I dunno really."

Igarashi: "Why wouldn't you come?"

Igarashi was now leaning against the door, arms crossed.  

Amari: "Yasu's sleep, I guess.  I dunno."

Igarashi: "Hm, alright then.  Head over when you can, ok?"

Amari: "Ok."

Amari heard the door close and thought about heading over.  He'd need to make sure everyone else was ok.

He sat there starring at the ceiling for awhile before making his decision.  

He unwrapped Yasuda from his arm slowly, as not to wake him up, and tried his quietest to leave to the cafeteria.  

He walked in and stood next to Senmoka.

Senmoka: "Hey where were you?"

Amari: "Uh, well, I-" 

Igarashi: "The twins are gone, we need to look for them."

Senmoka: "Damn, really?"

Amari: "I think we should split up and look for 'em!"

Igarashi: "Alright, this place is big so we might as well."

Amari and Senmoka ended up teaming together and looking all over the place. 

In the bathroom stalls, nope.

The nurses office, nope.  And Kiyoi was still pointing a gun at anyone who went through that door. 

The library, nope.

Just when they thought they searched everywhere they found a dark room.  

Senmoka: "Yeah we are *not* going in there."

Amari: "Hey!  They could be in there!"

Senmoka: "I got a bad feeling about this."

Amari: "So do I... but we gotta."

With that Amari pushed open the door only to instantly regret it. 

The only thing that could be seen in that room was blood and limbs everywhere.  Hanging from the walls and scattered across the floor, some limbs being scratched enough to be cut.  

Amari: "H-holy sh-shit."

Senmoka: "What the fuck!  This is- this is fucked up!"

Igarashi: "Did you find the-"

As Igarashi stepped in the room behind the two shaking ultimates she looked around and saw the gruesome scene.  

Igarashi: "R-Rozumari..."

Amari turned to face what Igarashi was looking at to see Rozumari's head stuck to the wall.  

'F-fucking hell.  Th-this is horrible.  Who all did this person get?'

Pochikuma~A body, no wait, ahem, SOME BODIES HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED!  After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, a trial will commence!  Heck that's a brutal one!~

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