3.Hello, brother

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"Um Bri. Did you just say brother?", Mat asked.

I nod.
"Oh wait. He didn't tell you about me,didn't he?"

They just shake their heads.

"What are you doing here Brianna?", Damon asked coldly.

"Ugh. I was visiting Mystic falls, brother. I didn't know you were still alive. Trust me if I knew I wouldn't have come." I say coldly back.

"Sorry to interrupt the little reunion but we really have to get out of here. Sheriff are you going to be ok?" , Matt asked.

"Yes now get out before they see you"

'What are they planning?' Damon pulls me out of the Mystic Grill. Matt goes into another car and Damon pulls me next to a blue one.

"Damon what's going on?"
"Look can we catch up later? I'm going to die in 10min but no worries I'll be back"
I just stare at him.
"What do you mean?"
"Look there is a bomb in there and I'm going to trigger it. My lovely friend Bonnie is the anchastor and is going to pull me back to life."

Before I could answer he got into his car. Without hesitation I got into the car with him.

He looks  at me like I'm a crazy person.

"Are you Crazy?"
"You are the one who is going on a suicidal mission but yet you call me crazy?" 

"I'm not letting you die!" 
"Brother your friend Bonnie can pull me back too and why do you care? If you really cared you would have checked up on me and leaving alone." I snapped

He just nods and puts his hand in mine. I give it a little squeeze.

"I see why we're related" he says
"There's a lot of things you don't know about"

He gives me a smile and presses in the gas.

Everything goes fast. We hit the Mystic Grill and everything goes black.

        . .   . .  ..    . .  
                           Matt's POV

I get to the Graveyard. Seeing everyone there.

"Liv start the spell!" I tell her

I still can't believe that there's another Salvatore.

"You okay?" Elena asks.

I shake my head. "No I have to talk with Stefan and you have to talk with Damon later."

They all look at me confused.  Suddenly Stefan appears.

"Omg Stefan You're alive" Caroline says and hugs him.

"Stefan is there something you're hiding from us?" I ask him.

He looks at me confused and shakes his head.

"No? You sure? Because a girl just came to the grill and it seems like she knows you and your brother a little to well"

Now everyone is listening.

"What are you saying?" Elena asks.

"I'm saying that they have a secret sister this entire time and don't act like you don't know her because Damon seems to know her!"

"Wait, she is alive?" Stefan asks with hope.

"Yes she is but now she's dead cause she was with Damon in his car when he triggered the Bomb!"

"You have a SISTER?" Elena asked disappointed.

"Yea but now is not the time to talk about it. I just want her alive again."

                                Briannas POV

I groan. 'Ouch' Then I realized  where I was. I was 2 feet away from my body.

I look around for Damon but I see no one until I hear a groan behind me.

It's Damon.

I get up and walk over to him and start to shake him.

"Bri stop. I'm awake let's go"

I nod but he suddenly stops walking.

"Alaric what are you doing here?"

"Oh hi. I was just watching and um who is this?"

"Hi I'm Brianna. His sister."

He just stared at me in confusion.

Damon gives him the 'later' look and Alaric just nods.

"Brother isn't Liz human?" I ask

He nods

"Then why is she here?"

He looks down and starts to shake her. Liz starts to wake up and looks around.

"What are you doing here?!" Damon asks that poor women.

"I couldn't get out I'm sorry"

He just nods and lifts her up.

"Where is your friend?" I ask Damon
"Graveyard" he simply says.

10 min later 

We arrived at the Graveyard and Alaric went trough Bonnie first.

"It's now or never" she said grabbing our arms.

I didn't feel anything.

"Huh. I don't think this should be happening" Damon said.

"Wait here" Bonnie said and went over to her friends.

"Damon, is that Stefan?" I ask

He nods. I run over to him and try to talk to him. Bonnie comes over to me.

"He can't hear you. Do you want to say something?"

"Can you tell him not to worry about us and to live his best live."

He looks up with tears in his eyes. I hate seeing him like this. Sure I'm mad at him for not looking out for me but he's still my brother.

"Where is Brianna and Damon?"
"They stopped the spell, I'm sorry."
"Then let them start again!" 
"Stefan they passed out. Brianna is here and she said not to worry about us and that you should live your life to the fullest."

"I'm so sorry Bri. I really am. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I don't know how you look now but I want you to know how proud I am for the women that you've become. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you turned into a vampire." He sobbed

There was a tear escaping my eye.'WTF' 

"Tell him it's ok. I had a family in New Orleans and that they took care of me"

"She said that it's ok and that she had a family in New Orleans who took care of her."

With that we left him and went to Damon who just stand there in the middle of the woods.

"I don't want to die" I said
"At least we're together" Damon said.
"Ew softie"
Bonnie and Damon chuckled.
"Hold my hand" Bonnie said. We did.
"I know you would be here with million other people-" she started but Damon cut her off.
"A couple thousand"

We chuckled

"Do you think it's gonna hurt?" I asked
"I don't kn-" Bonnie was cut of by a bright light.


Hi I just realized that Kol was dead when the other side was falling apart. Let just act like he didn't. THANKS!

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