9. Gone

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Kai's POV
I watch Bri as she falls down after I snap her neck. Ups.

I look up to see Damon giving Bonnie his blood so she can heal. This is my only chance to grab the ascendant, which is in the middle of the cave, and I take the chance.
I start running towards it and I assume Bonnie saw it cause she screamed Damon's name.
Suddenly I'm pushed against a wall, again.
I look down to see Brie's body beside us.Damon looks at her too and gets angrier.
He pushes me again harder onto the wall and I grab an arrow to stick it in his arm.

He grunts and takes the arrow out of his arm.

"Bonnie you have to get out of here!", he screams to the poor witch who isn't fully healed.

"I'm not gonna make it, Damon! But you guys are!"

I look at her confused. Before I can do anything I'm thrown away against a wall in the other side of the wall. What's up with the walls?
I see how Bonnie drags Brianna and Damon into the light circle,where we supposed to stand so we can go home, Damon carries Bri in his arms and Bonnie throws the ascendant to him and he catches it.

Oh no. NO NO NO!

Suddenly there's a bright light for a second but disappears. I look around and see the ascendant on the floor in many pieces with no Bri or Damon.

"NOOOOO!", I scream

I worked so hard and after 18 years hoping I could get out a dumb bitch ruined it. 18 YEARS, I WAS HERE FOR 18 YEARS!! I EVEN GOT TO SEE BRIANNA AGAIN.

Bonnie's POV

I smile sadly, knowing my friends are safe but I'm still here with Kai.
Out of nowhere he starts laughing?

"W-Why are you laughing?", I ask tiredly
"Y-You really thought I'm gonna be stuck here forever d-didn't you?", he ask in between laughs.

"S-Stop Kai! I send them away! You can't come out!"

He only laughs more.

My heart starts beating faster as he walks closer.

"Oh,Bonnie. I have you and your magic. You can't escape me!", after that sentence he laughs more.

Suddenly I see black dots and the last thing I see is Kai coming closer.


Damon's POV

No, this can't be happening. Bonnie is over there with him. Oh god. She's going to die.

I look down to my sister who is sleeping peacefully in my arms. I'm just glad she didn't witness all that. I put her down onto the grass and look around. Great, we're at the Cemetery.

I hear Brianna grasp which means she woke up.

Brianna's POV

I look around and see Damon standing above me. Looks like we're at a Cemetery. Wait what?

"Damon where are we?", I ask him while standing up.

"We're in the real world"
"We're what?!"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"Kai snapped my neck?"

He nods. He looks kinda sad?
"Where is Bonnie?", I ask him.
I was never so confused as now. What is going on?
"She sacrificed herself again"
"What do you mean Damon? Can you be more specific?"
"Look after Kai snapped your neck Bonnie dragged us with her magic to the light circle thingy. After that we landed here, which means Bonnie's still over there with Kai"


"I'm sorry", I pad his shoulder,"wait do you hear that?"

I hear sobs coming from a Salvatore house? What's that?
"Stay here", Damon says and I nod. He speeds in there and doesn't come back after 2min.

Should I use my vamp hearing? Yep.
I listen closely.

"Where is Bonnie", someone asks.
"She sacrificed herself for us",Damon answers.
"Wait, did you just says us?"
This voice. I know this voice. I step closer to the crypt which has my name on it.
"Yes,brother. This is going to sound crazy-"

Did he just say Brother?I speed into the crypt and I see him.


My brother.He looks like the last time I saw him.
He looks at me confused and then to Damon and back to me.

"Excuse me, do I know you?"
"Ohh sorry. I mean how could you? The last time you saw me was when I was 15. I do look 5/6 years older now", I say

Stefan still looks confused and turns to Damon.
"Damon,did I kill her family when I had my humanity off?"

I laugh and Damon chuckles.
"No,no you did not. In fact we left her alone. We are her family"
Stefan turns back to me with a shocked face,letting me know that he knows who I am.

"Hello brother"

Suddenly he wraps his arm around me and I look confused to Damon. Damon nods and I kinda pad Stefans back.

"I'm so sorry Brianna. I know I should've come back to you. We shouldn't have left you", he apologizes.

I pull back. Staring coldly into his eyes.

"Well you didn't and we can't change that now. Plus I have changed. I'm not that little girl anymore who loved her brothers, who was this nice little girl or who would behave. No! A little warning for both of you. I'll do whatever I need to do for myself. I didn't need you back then so don't think I need you now!"

He looks sad over to me and Damon looks sad too?

"Ew and I have no feelings"
"You turned off your humanity?", Stefan asks.
"No, some witches put a curse on me so I can't do feelings"

They nod.

"Okay bye", I say and start walking out of the crypt.
"Wait where are you going?", Damon asks.
I turn around.
"Far away from you"
"But we could start fresh", Stefan says.
"Maybe later but I have a family reunion"
"Yes us!", Damon says
"Brother you were never there for me. I was raised by the Mikaelsons. That's what family is. Being there for each other even when you're at your worst!"

They both stay quiet.
"Did you just say Mikaelsons?", Stefan asks me and I nod as a responds
"Look you can go back to them later. Come to our house that we rented and rest. It's dark outside plus we could catch up in the morning", Stefan says with hope in his voice.

I look back and forth between him and Damon.
Not gonna lie I miss the feeling of being able to laugh with them.


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