29. Kindest Kidnapper

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"Why are you doing this?", Jeremy asks. I close my book and look at him. I lean forward:" I think I already told you"
"Yes you did but what do you get from it?", hr asks and I look at him confused.
"I mean you're not hurting me and you're letting me wander around your apartment", he raises and eyebrow.
"Well obviously I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just scaring them. They think because I'm all powerful,that I like hurting people. But shocking news, I only do it because I have to"

I open my book and start reading again.
"So this is where you live?", he looks around and I hum. "But I moved yesterday, this is my new apartment"
He nods
"What book are you reading?"
I roll my eyes before I answer: "It ends with us"
"What is it about?"
"Read to find out", I sigh. "What-"
"Stop asking so many questions!"

Damon's POV

"How do you know where she lives?", I ask Kai, as we apreach her door. Kai knocks on the door and we wait.

"It's not like she is gonna open the door and be like 'HIII Damon, my favorite brother, come in. Yes I'm still alive and here's Jeremy!' You dipshit", I mock her.

"Why do you think your sister is bad?",he asks me. I look arg him with a raised eyebrow. "Obviously cause she is!", I whisper shout," Now open the damn door with your witchy woo, before I break your hands"
"No you wouldn't. Cause if you did I would be mad and wouldn't helped you", he pouts.

I roll my eyes and watch him Mutter a spell. The door flies open and Kai steps in. He turns around and looks at me confused.
"There's no owner!", he whisperes shouts. I make an 'ohh' face before going in too.
Kai was about to go further but I stop him and use my super hearing.

I look at Kai "There is no heart beat or anything, are you sure that we're at the right place?"
He nods before looking around "Maybe she's not here but somewhere else"
"Let's look around", I tell him and walk towards the Kitchen. Kai is following me.
"Wait, why did you ask me if this is the right place?", he asks and straightens his back. I blink at him confused.

"When she was kidnapped we went here, to look for her", he explains. "Ohhh yeah right, I forgot", I shrug.
I turn around and see a note on the countertop. I pick it up and read out loud:

"Hello brother or to whoever is reading. If you're reading this, Kai snitched on me obviously. Yes I am alive and I don't want to see you ever again. Buutt I thought why not leave with a bang, right?  I have Jeremy, yes, but I will not hurt him unless you're not giving me other choices. Tell Elena to stop crying like a baby and to men up and start searching for her brother. Trough out the week you're gonna get some tips. I moved out from this place in case you're wondering. I promise not to hurt him and give him food. Plus he even agreed to stay with me for the week.

-xoxox Brianna :)" 

I look at Kai and he looks at me.
"She's the kindest Kidnapper I've ever met. And you're sure she's dangerous?", he asks me.

I roll my eyes and put the note in my pocket.
"Let's go to the boarding house", I begin to walk.

We enter the living room and see everyone sitting there with their head hung low. The second Elena sees us, she stands up with hope in her eyes.
"Did you find him?"
I give her the note and she reads it out loud. She looks at me confused and the rest does too.
"Wait, Jeremy agreed?", Elena asks.
"Apparently, but it makes it easier for us. Since Jeremy agreed to stay for the week , he'll come home safe in a week", I shrug and pour myself some bourbon.
"True", Caroline agrees. "And you guys said that she was dangerous? It's the opposite, that's dumb", Bonnie says.

Everyone nods. Suddenly there's another note on the table. Stefan picks it up and begins to read:

"Hello fuckers, I forgot to say that everyday you have a chance to save him. I'm changing the place everyday, where his life is gonna be in danger and you guys need to save him or else he dies. The time you guys will have, to save him, will stand on the note. Everyday a new note but I won't tell you at what time. It could be 1 am 5pm, at any time. So be prepared! And oops I lied. I told you guys that I'll keep him safe but he just pissed me off by eating the last pizza slice and no one messes with my food!

Anyways, let the game begin ;)

-xoxoxo Brianna $$"

"I take that back", Bonnie says. We all just look at each other without saying a word.


I know this is short but thank you for 7 thousand reads!!

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