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Next morning
I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I rub my eyes so I can fully see. I don't want to stand up. My bed is too comfy.
After 5 min I finally stand up and look at the mirror which is beside my bed.
I look like shit. My hair looks like I haven't brushed it in weeks and my skin is pale.I have very dark circles under my eyes making me look like I haven't slept at all.
Even tho I slept very well.
My bathroom is connected to my bedroom,kinda like Damons, so I go to my bathroom and strip down my clothes.

My clothes are laying messy on the ground but I'll clean it up later. I step into the shower and turn it on. The warm water hits my face and I immediately relax.

I really needed that.

I love showers. In the shower all my worries are gone. It's me. It gives me time to think too.

It's been a week since we're staying at the Parkers house. The Gemini Coven couldn't find the loophole for the curse so they've decided to make a meeting with the entire Coven.

I'm not complaining tho. Turns out that Malachai and I have more in common than I thought and Oliver gets along pretty well with Josette.
Oliver and I have to share a room because they only have one guest room.
Right now Oliver is out with Josette and I'm by myself in our room.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door

„Come in!"
„Uh hey. I'm leaving for some days. I have some business to do", the ugly man said.
„Alright, Joshua. Where are you going?"
„None of your business", he says and slams the door.

Weird ass bitch.

I wait for 10 min to make sure he's gone. I step out of my room and go downstairs to see if his car is still here. And it's gone which means he's not here anymore.

I smile to myself and run back upstairs to Malachais room. I  try to open it but it's locked.
I try again but it won't do anything.

„Hello?", Malachais voice from inside asks.
„Malachai! It's me, Brianna. Do you know where the keys are?"
I hear him chuckle and come closer do the door.
„Brinnie, You're a vampire and a witch. I don't think you need the keys."
„Oh yea right", I laugh nervous.

Just hearing his voice makes me nervous.Oh god, I can't get enough from him.

„Step aside"
„Will do"

I mutter a spell and the door flies open and I go inside the room.
I see Kai sitting on his bed looking up to me with a big smile.
I return the smile and give him a big hug.
He falls backwards on his bed and I'm on top of him.

"Aw, you can't live without me", he teases
"Shut up", I mumble and burry my head into his neck.
He chuckles and begins to play with my hair.
I can't stop smiling. I'm taking a deep breath so I can smell him better.

Let me tell you he smells like heaven. This boy is perfect.

After us just being quite he finally speaks up.

"I missed you too,brinnie"
"I like that we're just laying here"
He looks down to me and I look up. Our eyes meet.

"You're really comfortable plus you smell good", I say.
He smiles which I return and gives me a kiss on my lips.
I put my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. We both smile during the kiss.

Old friend| Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now