21. I'm sorry

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I groan and roll in my bed. Suddenly I feel my hand hit something. I furrow my eyebrows with still closed eyes.
That's when I realized.


I immediately sit up and look down. I see Kai sleeping peacefully besides me. Events from yesterday come up to me.

'Shit! 5 rounds?!'

I'm about to stand up but I feel Kai's arms wrap around my waist and pull me done next to him.

"Kai stop, I have to get up", I say trying to push him off. He pulls me closer than I already am, which makes me roll my eyes with a small smile.
"No. Stay" , he mumbles. How can someone be so cute. Damn!
"I can't I-" , I was about to continue but I was cut off by my phone ringing. I look at the nightstand, where my phone is, and pick it up.
I look at the caller ID and it says "Jeremy".

My eyes widen and I shake Kai up.
"Whaat?", he groans and sits up.
I look at him and he lazily smiles. He leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Good morning,babe"

Oh god his morning voice, his messy hair. I blush and smile but it disappeares fast.

"Don't call me that!"
"I know you like it", he winks. I shake my head.
"What did we do?", I slap my forehead.
"We had sex!", he says happy. I look at him.
"I know that! I was suppose to meet Jeremy last night!", I tell him. He leans closer.
"But we both know that you enjoyed last night"

I roll my eyes and pick up.

"Hi, Jeremy!", I say Akwardly and look at Kai. He just looks amused.
"Hey, where were you last night? You didn't call",he asks worried.
"Uhhh I-I fell asleep,yeah", I lie. 
He sighs out of refly/ refliew ( Sry don't know how to write that)

"I'm glad you're okay. I'm picking you up in 5"
"What? No no I can't", I tell him
"Why?", he asks and I sit up from Kai's bed.
Suddenly Kai snatches my phone out of my hand and I quickly look at him.
"Becausee she's with me", he says smiling," byeee", he says and hangs up.

He puts the phone on the nightstand and pats beside him,signing that I should lay down again. Instead I stare at him in shook, I don't move or do anything, I just stare at him.

He ruined it. He ruined my new start.

"What. Did.you.just.do?!"
"I told him that you're with me", he smile. I roll my eyes. "I get that", I say in duh tone," but what I mean is that you just ruined my new start!"
He furrows his eyebrows and sits straight.

"Do you hear yourself?", he asks. I straighten my back and look at him confused.
"Yeah, I mean you decided to sleep with me. I didn't force you to cheat on your boyfriend", he crosses his arms. I shake my head with a smile.

"He's not my boyfriend"
"Well whatever he is, he has feelings for you and you don't play with feelings"
"I'm not playing with his feelings!"
"Yes you are! 'He's my new start blah blah'. ", he mocks me," You CAN'T use people just so you could escape from your problems. He is not your toy! Plus you can't even escape the fact that we're soulmates!"

"Do you know what a noch you are? Sleeping with me while you have a men waiting for you to call him back? Am I this resistible?"

"Oh god! I don't need you and I have never before! Plus you have a girlfriend too!"
"We are not dating! We had a one night stand!"
I laugh

"And I'M a hoe for sleeping with my soulmate while YOU HAVE ONE NIGHT STANDS?!" , I raise my voice.
"You know this got me thinking. Maybe we aren't meant for each other. I mean if we're dating, are you going to sleep with some random men either?"

"Are you serious? No of course not cause the difference between you and him is that I love you and him not!", I scream but quickly cover my mouth after I realized what I just said.

"You what-?", he asks
"I have to go and fix things with Jeremy. You're right, we aren't meant for each other in this live time but maybe in another" , I say softly while packing my things and changing myself

"In another" 

I look up to him
"Doesn't really matter. Maybe this lifetime too but not right know. Our life's are messy and we are too. Let's just organize ourselves and when the time is right , may we find out ways back to each other"

"How?" , his voice cracks and I look up to him and he has tears in his eyes which he quickly blinks away
"The universe has a plan" , I say with tears in my eyes. 

Kai stands up and dresses himself too. He gets closer until our bodies are touching but we keep our hands to ourselves. But we both want to touch each other's body and we both know it.

"But what If you're married?", I ask
"I can't imagine a life without you"
I chuckle while tears stream done my face.

"Look at Kai Parker going all soft", I tease and he smiles .
"Only for you, princess"

We look at each other without exchanging a word. I pull him in and kiss him just one last time and he immediately kisses back.

We both pull away and look at each other again. He wipes with his thump one of my tears away.

"Goodbye, Malachai"

"Goodbye, Brinnie"


I know it's not a lot but I had no time to write but I hope you enjoyed this one. Tomorrow is the Last day before summer break.
I think I'll be able to write more.

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